greetings... i used to own the '59 humbucker & i'm still using my Lil '59 in my Ibanez...
the '59 is a very sweet humbucker for those of us who fancy a good clean tone/ medium setting drive. with the right amp (eg: Fender Twin) it sounds immaculate. do NOT expect it to do wonders if you are still using a practice amp @ home. if that's the case, supplement your tone with pedals instead.
i did away with my '59 because i need a better humbucker to manifest clarity, especially single notes as i solo in the neck half of the time. i'm with Alnico II Pro now which IMO is a better unit to do just that. i must say that the strentgh of the '59 lies in its midrange, which is rather transparent & not too piercing- just nice 8)