Sevenfalls - new alternative hardrock female fronted band!


New member
hey guys, check out my new band, Sevenfalls! we are a newly formed 5 piece, female fronted band.
the tracks featured here are all live recordings done at soundmix, so do pardon us any glitches yeap :)

any comments/criticisms/lovenotes/hatemails is very much appreciated. hope u guys like what you r hearing!
txs dude! yup, we r definitely looking forward to having our first gig in the NEAR future! in the meantime, we r workin up on more originals and tightening things up, etc.
I really like ur tone. Nice one! The arrangement sounded kinda pro. Need to improve just a little bit more on the vox. Overall two thumbs up!!!
nah, we dun mean alternative as in THAT type of alternative, the genre. we r more hardrock, but wif a twist, so in this case alternative hardrock=hardrock wif a twist. such as post-hardcore is hardcore wif a twist. gettit. haha
honestly, we r pretty much boggled up as to wat genre we play. so juz call us a rock band if u may :D
Sounds more like metal, but the tone of the singer's voice pulls it back to mainstream territory, like evanescence.

Band is good, music is good, vocalist needs to work on pitching. I dunno much about metal but might need to scream or something? Doesn't sound aggressive enough I think. But I agree with the rest, you should start gigging, you guys have something great going on already.
one thing for sure is that, we r not a metal band. i guess thats wat happen when u put 5 ppl of different influences together. its not a bad thing i must say :wink:
Here are my own point of view. 8)

Ours :
i think your lead guitarist(if you have,nt sure abt ur line up) can do something more fancy stuff at the intro.Its repeating the same riff for like.. a total of 14 times!! Do some kickass licks if possible, they would be nice!

the vocal might 1 2 fix her high key and low tones,be it the music of her voice.Her high tones are like a guitar with too much treble on eq.Her low tone are not firm and if u dun believe she tends to flatten when she goes into low notes and sometimes on the high too..

Love the drum parts~ sounds fitting and tight into this piece of music.I can imaging the impact the drummer can bring on live performances!

These Eyes:

this song got some dream theater feel to me so maybe the vocal might 1 2 check how he sing~ :wink:

2:25 - 2:35 i'm quite sure the guitarist's appeggio isnt fitting to the music.check on the scale yeah?

lastly the song abit draggy to me.. the vocal seems to sing same thing over n over..with tonal problems


BUT again, it maybe be because of my different genre interest that i cant understand your music with the 100% and those i've said are just my opinion hopefully can help your band to improve based on the audience point of view~

Rock on! you guys(gals) sounds tight!

hey gr3y, txs for the detailed comment! :o
i take turns in playin lead parts wif my other guitarist for our songs. as they say, one mans meat is another mans poison, but meat is pretty tasty. heh
cool debut - keep working at it, improvement will come [vox and as a band]. the vibe and the feel is there, build on it.
emg-rocks said:
hey gr3y, txs for the detailed comment! :o
i take turns in playin lead parts wif my other guitarist for our songs. as they say, one mans meat is another mans poison, but meat is pretty tasty. heh

yeah i love it with some spice :D
Sounds good to me. And yea, vocals are not bad, but could be better. Work hard. ;) Update us on future gigs alright!