Setting up own band jamming room?


New member
Hi guys,

I'm considering setting up an own jamming room for the band and would really love to hear some advice from those with experience.

1. Location: This is the deadly factor. None of our places is good for a jamming room - we don't even have a garage (or a car, but that's irrelevant). Any suggestion on where we can rent an empty room for a low price - like in some spooky industrial building?

2. Sound proofing: I'm totally dumb about this. Any suggestion on how to go about cheap and effective sound proofing? I heard the eggboxes don't do the trick.

3. Other costs: Any costs that we should factor in EXCLUDING equipments (drums/amps/mixer/mics).

Thanks a lot guys!
if ulu ulu industrial building.IMO,u don need to worry bout soundproofing since you probably won't be disturbing anyone.haha

As for PA system.Wharfedale PA,sold at citymusic are rather reliable and affordable i think.Own a set and has been working fine.=)

my 0.1cents.

what kimmi said about the soundproofing being not needed since its an industrial building and super ulu also is quite true. haha never though about it. If u DO get a place that doesnt have a noise limit, please just still at least do up the egg cartons then. playing in a room with concrete walls floors ceiling is HORRIBLE for both ur ears and also for enjoyment.
my band had a jamming room at some old ulu industrial buidling, no need for soundproofing, got our pa system cheap also. just that our amps sucked. now we just go to jamming studios, much more reliable and worth it.
wooooow i really never heard of renting a room in an ulu ulu industrial building.
but if really have that would be great. speaking bout that, a gig can be made.
yeah nothing beats the atmosphere of having a DIY gig in some ulu abandoned warehouse...
maybe u can rent a warehouse storage room
and put ur stuff there n jam 2gether
but im not sure if they power supply there n whether do they allow u to make noise over there
The key things to consider are

1) sound proofing - are there any neighbours who will get pissed... Industrial buildings also have esp if got mixed use including office space

2) acoustic treatment - as mentioned, an industrial space with bare concert walls will be very loud and echo it wont be fun to jam there. the best cheap way is t find old mattresses and couches that ppl throw at void deck. cheap and much more effective than egg cartons

3) access - you mention that you don't have car. Need to think abt how you are getting to ur ulu place. and how you are going home after jamming.. This is a major factor if youer band members carry lots of gear. bear in mind that industrial areas often have lots of stray dogs at night
wooooow i really never heard of renting a room in an ulu ulu industrial building.
but if really have that would be great. speaking bout that, a gig can be made.
yeah nothing beats the atmosphere of having a DIY gig in some ulu abandoned warehouse...

ha i stil rember a particular gig at ij studios which is at gordon industrial building.damn awesome ha the smell and atmosphere was like a sweatbox.not to mention some of my buddies 'kop' the drinks from a provsion shop below and well since its a warehouse they gt away with wonder waht happened to ij anyway.heard it was closed?
Thanks a lot for the helpful tips, guys!

@someone: Those are very good points! So we'll have to consider either transport or finding a relatively convenient location.
@remy: Thanks! Gotta check the power (and ventilation/aircon) too.
@henryvelge: it would be great if you'd share your experience of renting the place you mentioned. Thanks man!

Does anyone know how much those industrial rooms cost? This is more or less our number 1 concern.

Any suggestions other than industrial buildings? They are so not musically-inspiring.

Haha.. the ulu industrial building thingie sounds super cool man.. anyone knows the actual rates of renting one? 0.0
My band has our own jamming room at my drummer's own bedroom.. and it's not a private house.. just a HDB flat, and like you, we had considered various alternatives. Just ask yourself this question:

1) if it's for commercial, or for your own band practise purpose?
2) do u have to be very loud to feel the kick in jamming?
3) do u need a real drum set or can an electronic drum set do the job?

At first we played with a 'silent studio' concept. We plug in our guitars and mics into 1 mixer and line out to a few headphones and start out fine. But as time goes by we realised the equipment doesn't line out the same volume of sound to each headphones. So we changed it and installed a simple 5.1 audio system in the room. It works well.. Especially when the volume can be controlled over a centrallised output.

But now, because we are performing for paid gigs, we actually bring our amps down to the little room, and practise with it.

As long as u control ur volume, there's no need for sound proofing. Just that ur electronic drum set needs a few thick layers of carpet below the kick pedal. The floor will vibrate if u don't. U have to remember that your floor, is the ceiling of another neighbour. We have 2 thick layers of carpet just below the drumset. Don't get an acoustic drum set.. u can't control the volume and in the end u'll be blasting like as if u are jamming in a studio. The kicking sound from the pedal of the drums can still be heard by ur neighbours hence the best way is to be discipline and not jam after 10pm.

Set up cost is cheap.. =P about 1.5k for the roland electronic drum set and iron cobra drum pedal (from swee lee sales.. it's about 1.5-2k. forgot how much we spent on it), about 250 for a mixer and a mic, and another 150 for speakers. Well.. if u don't have carpets at home, u'll need to spend money to get it though. I believe a budget of 2.5k-3k will be alright to get all this things up and working. Just learn to control the volume of your playing. U'll be alright. =)
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Thanks a billion Adwin, that was really helpful! The electric drumset is an excellent point. Now we have another option.

Still looking forward to hear more inputs on both options so far.
if u're plannng to save up by not going to jamming studios, i tink renting some place will make saving impossible. so might as well just put all ur amps at ur drummers place like wat adwin said
well i've always wanted a jam room but all the instruments in my house are in diffrent rooms cause i cant fit them all into one haha .

piano = downstairs(hall)
keyboards = storeroom
Drum set = brothers room
Guitar army = My room
Bass = my room
all the amplifiers = my room
Mics and vocal amplifiers = hall
it was one of my bandmate's parent's building. so they let us use one small room for jamming. cant really hear on the outside cause there are other machinery at work (which is louder than what we are playing) so basically jamming was free. but yea bringing our gear there was a hassle. hard to find centralised area, like town or amk.
lol i had this idea last time. lol. not worth dude. unless u can make enough money for covering rental by gigs. Btw that time at some tamp industrial park it was 400SQFT for $500 i think. Not bad price.. I feel that u must invest in good amps and pa systemm. Lol all the best..