Selling to Secondhand shop


New member
Does anyone knows whether it is mandatory by the law to produce IC when selling to secondhand guitar shop? I was demanded by an owner of a secondhand guitarshop for IC when i wanted to get rid of my used guitar. I thought IC information should not be anyhow given? can anybody advice? This is my first time selling to secondhand guitarshop
Yes, confirmed this is now a mandatory requirement. The police wants to make sure items sold are not stolen goods. This way, they will be able to track sellers if the need arises.
its a form of protection to the shop taking in the goods.

Imagine someone stole your gear, sell it to the shop, without any proof of id, later you found out about your stolen gear being sold in the shop, decided to claim back from the shop selling or take legal action against them for taking in stolen stuff and reselling..

with the ic info, if theres any disputes, it can be used to trace back to the person selling.

while it might not be a fool proof method, but at least its a form of protection
theres a secondhand guitar shop in Singapore? Where?!? If I want to buy a guitar there do I have to bring MY personal Info?
theres a secondhand guitar shop in Singapore? Where?!? If I want to buy a guitar there do I have to bring MY personal Info?

there are a few actually. zax has mentioned two. another is guitar connection. no you dont have to bring as far as i know.
Does anyone knows whether it is mandatory by the law to produce IC when selling to secondhand guitar shop? I was demanded by an owner of a secondhand guitarshop for IC when i wanted to get rid of my used guitar. I thought IC information should not be anyhow given? can anybody advice? This is my first time selling to secondhand guitarshop

yes, in case you stole the items, it's easier to track back.

Been there done that, and found it useful.
i wasn't required to produce mine when i sold stuff to a secondhand shop here

That shop prob practise profiling! :)

Ebenex and Blackwood Guitars GENERALLY do not require you to produce your IC when selling goods to us, especially if you are already regular customers.

However, we still reserve the right to do so as it is a form of safeguard against the sale of stolen goods to us.

And no, we do not resort to doing customer profiling from any details taken from trade ins or buy-ins.