Selling to guitar shop

there are lots more 2nd hand guitar shop ard in sg. there are quite a few in peninsular exclesior hotel. but be sure to check ard for prices 1st be4 u buy/sell
Two places I can think of.
- Novelty Music @ Parklane Shopping Mall.
- Guitar Connection @ Excelsior Hotel basement.

Guitar Connection is much larger but I was ignored when I went there once, so no good comments from me regarding that shop. I don't frequent Novelty Music often, and their variety is rather limited, but no complaints so far.
Yeah, true, but the thing with selling secondhand over forums online is:
- There is the chance of encountering dishonest people.
- Sometimes, no one expresses interest in the item you're selling.

I think selling to a 2nd hand shop vs selling online.. both have their advantages and disadvantages. Selling to a shop is easier and more convenient, but the disadvantage is that the shop sets the price at which they will buy it from you. And if you're not happy about the price they offer, they just won't buy it from you.

So yeah. Must be careful when selling online but I still think it's a better deal when you look at the money aspect.
Two places I can think of.
- Novelty Music @ Parklane Shopping Mall.
- Guitar Connection @ Excelsior Hotel basement.

Guitar Connection is much larger but I was ignored when I went there once, so no good comments from me regarding that shop. I don't frequent Novelty Music often, and their variety is rather limited, but no complaints so far.

Hmm, do you mean the variety of guitars ON SALE or variety of guitars THEY purchase?
i agree. Your best bet is trying to sell through the Buy/Sell Forum. If you sell to shops, you are not likely to get the kinda of price you want.