Seeking all unblack metal fans


New member
recently i have just ordered Horde dvd set which i had been searching all the while. really hope il get hold of it soon. they are damn awesome. last but not least, anyone who are into this genre please pm me alright. 777
Is PM necessary?

Unblack metal has my support. In my opinion unblack metal musicians are really bold and they really persevere despite all the flaming they get. I'd still admire them even if I wasn't a Christian. Not to mention some really good black metal comes from them. I was considering starting a one-man raw unblack metal project but somehow my vocal chords aren't too good these days. Anyway, you have my support. I love Horde too. Cheers!

Check out Antestor too, as well as Poems of shadows, Crimson Moonlight, Drottnar. Just some really cool unblack metal bands I've come across. Cheers! :)
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cheerz to you too. glad to hear from a unblack metal fans like you. i just been wondering if there are lots of unblack metal fans existing out there in our homeland. starting a project ya? the vocal part can leave it to me lol. i also got a good collections of unblack metal bands from norway.
keep in touch.
hey man, you got my support too! and i totally agree with the guy just above you :p Horde's easily one of the pioneers of unblack metal so im sure you'd enjoy some phenomena with that DVD. im into Crimson Moonlight and Antestor :D cheers!
hahaha, a rare breed we are.

im the only "clown" in my band to wear an un-inverted cross and have a Jesus saves sticker along with a marduk one on my axe.

and i love horde man, an original i wrote was inspired by the song "invert the inverted cross" i also love sanctifica and all time fav antestor, do check out regional unblack metal heroes KEKAL from indonesia btw.
'Invert the inverted cross' also heavily influenced one of my originals, but it was never recorded. I particularly like the slow, grim, raw and heavy approach the song has.
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Brothers in unblack metal: Persevere and stand by your music! Don't let oppression get to you. The above posts are what I'm talking about. Cheers!