SD pickups

the thing is they dun bring in.. GC got a used JB, not sure bridge or neck position..

the onli SD dealer i noe of is Davis.. 59 is $125 & JB $99..

Unless u wan funny color combi or stuff, the price is around there..
those "funny color combis" are still the same price. I got my reverse zebra JB at $99, same as the normal black or white ones
but too bad they dun come with chrome covers..well..basically..

1. the chrome covers will be able to tame the highs of the JB.
2. i like the idea of having my pickups chrome covered.looks nice on my guit.

well..PLEASE correct me if im makin a mistake in the above 2 statements..or making a mistake wanting to have chrome covers for my pickups. :D