School Invasion Tour!

you're welcome! :) and its not only me involved... there's the rest of the Invasion Productions team as well, like Syed & Ben. and of course thanks to all e bands involved too
we got wgb and cardinal ave.

like. total ahhh.
i'm scared.

how's the echoness in our school (ijtp)?
I was from St Pats, you guys are lucky man. haha i can already imagine whats gonna happen. Inch be careful! hahahaa
Hey folks,

Invasion Productions Singapore would love to INVADE all the schools mentioned on this thread. In fact, we have spoken to some of your school staff regarding the event.

You can help us more, by speaking to your Principals/HODs Aesthetics/ other school authorities or even student council members FIRST and let them be aware of the School Invasion Tour. :) Get them involved! We are doing the same as often as possible.

(so instead of screaming your schools name here....haha...)

Write to us here >>>

ben.invade [@] gmail. com
doubleyellowline [@] gmail. com

Okay, more power onions guys & girls. /m/
Hey ben and friends,

Come to my schools , townsville pri.. the kids will want something loud and refreshing.. hehe

School invasion was plenty of fun despite only catching the 2nd half of it (My class came in halfway during Cardinal's last song:( )
I've got to admit that the sound system in my school sounds pretty bad... Or at least from where i was. (i was at the back listening to the quality. Then i went infront)
But overall, enjoyed what was left for my class to catch:D
Kudos to the Invasion Productions Team for 'invading' ijtp:D