Scene Invasion - 22 November 2008

thanks alot wayne. \m/ credits to you man. and hahahah. couldnt turn down the treble. cos they started the song already. haha.

crowd was so small and dead at mg today =(. though the bands were good and I really liked the whole sound esp the final two bands. but a real spoiler was some guy with slippers. banged him accidentally and he want to try find problem already. lucky his friends had the good sense to hold him back. please learn about moshing etiquette if not don't enter the lovelovelovelovelovelovelove mosh pit man. its all about the love and music. not a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove boxing ring.
crowd was so small and dead at mg today =(. though the bands were good and I really liked the whole sound esp the final two bands. but a real spoiler was some guy with slippers. banged him accidentally and he want to try find problem already. lucky his friends had the good sense to hold him back. please learn about moshing etiquette if not don't enter the lovelovelovelovelovelovelove mosh pit man. its all about the love and music. not a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove boxing ring.
Is he wearing white T-shirt?

hahah u mean me or that guy? yeah the guy was wearing a white t-shirt. but we made up and stuff so its all cool. though just felt shit like this shouldnt have happened in the first place.