lol.. yup as nirvana was saying..juz wanna enjoy a great show too yeh! be sure to come say hi to us!(we're a lil oblivious.=S) we'll share a great deal of appreciating all yo!
(btw.. im with da same band with to see me 'Nirvana'??haha)
to Raistmar: haha..thanks for appreciating da name though=P
Hey, if you guys can come up with an awesome Band name, then you must be awesome too!
Anyways, here's the poster I did, its kinda messy, sort of a rush job. It seems like no one was gona do it so, here it is.
Guys, please go to the website(Freemansland) to take off the poster. There is no band names on normal band showcase. Assure that ambassadors do WOM for every event as well.
Guys, please go to the website(Freemansland) to take off the poster. There is no band names on normal band showcase. Assure that ambassadors do WOM for every event as well.
hope you dont get offended. i rather use raistmar's poster instead. be it a normal band showcase or not, the bands playing this sat at least deserves to get their band name on a gig poster.
after all,
they are probably working their ass off to sell the 25 tickets and not to mention spending $$ & time on jamming, etc.
Great performance by audiocean and saving someone!
Kickass set yesterday to all the bands especially Audiocean and Savingsomeone!
The band-interaction concert will be 10 times better, Freemansland assures all bands. =)