satch covers Canon in D


New member
finished with my exams so i just went to learn and record canon in D rock.
something i wanted to do after watching jerry c, i swear this guy is inspirational to me.

check it our on my MYSPACE:
(the media player somehow distorts the sound for some reason though)

the 2nd verse and chorus is pure improvisation.
XLayer : dope shitz, i thank u for loving my improvisions.

crozzfire : i got lazy and jst stopped there. hahaha, might continue the rest of the song if i feel like it though.quite busy with sch stuffs. i like the last part where there's a key change though!
Canon in D

Hey bro ..sorrie i think u really need to brush up all your phrasings and stuff u sounded REAL BAD not to be mean ...but really u sounded lame sloppy.. your vibrato is like errk! and your phrasings is like "TOTALLY OUT" of canon in D context :(. the sweeps part u ignored it totally , chorus ...u sounded crap coz u changed the notes(most important phrasing in that song). :( i think ive seen a vid of a s'porean played it on b4 cant remember that person's nick or name tho he played well superb in his improvisation u should check it out. SORRIE I HAD TO GIVE MY that in future u wont make a fool of your self in public by posting something frustrating to hear btw good luck and keep on learning! hear form u soon!
wah.. this is the craziest thing i heard todae man!!

plus, by deduction u must be regular SOFTie who does not like dong cuz u onli had 1 post here and u just registered urself today. whoever u r, pls dun post such critical stuffs about other renditions.
thanks for searching wayyyyyyyyy back into the forum and giving me ur opinions.
really! i appreciate it!

maybe u can teach me how to work on the stuff u pointed out?

some pointers perhaps?
canon in D

sorrie yeah im new to softie. sorrie if i offended anyone but im not being fair to anyone who needs help or comments just to give them a bit small challenge so that they could improvise thier skillz. I really hate to hurt others feelings tho but have to. I dont critisize for fun :( sorrie again but just to be honest of what i ive heard or listened.I dont hate dong at all just commenting on his playing but im pretty sure hes ok or nice in person eventho dunno him in RL tho. But in guitar playing, we have to be honest to eahc other.I do respect whoever posted thier vids but same time i do give my comments. Just imagine if somone post a vid of him singing and if he sings crap totally out of tune or somethin id rather give a honest comment then just "LOL" or "HEY NICE SINGING". it wont be fair to him coz he wont know he needs to improve u see. People might say i hate dong or anyone else BUT frankly i aint no arrogant person or whatsoever like i said im just being honest so that he could improve thats all if u dont like my words.. i do respect that tho cheers!
Hey guitarcritic! You sound like a nice, intelligent, professional, expert sort of player. Why not post up a video of you playing, or teach Satch how to play the parts since you seem to know it very well? Oh please do, I'd love to see it.