Samsung presents Funeral For A Friend Live! 8th September

BurntRice: it's nice talking to you via msn.
and you're really cool with it.
thx alot.

and Saito: you cant force everyone to like a band you support.if you really hope that,you've totally proved yourself immature.
i dont go to jet thread to say that band sux or post endless threads to spread my words coz i dont want to.
but what you did and what you said just make me feel really offended,and your sig thing,i hope you change it ASAP.
btw,BRAIN FAILURE is a band,which one of my fave all the time.if you insult me with this name you just play the wrong card.
at the same time i dont expect you to like my fave band so i hope you respect my opinion too. it's how the game works you should know as an adult.

yeah,it's FFAF thread.let's get back to the topic.
by the way. Saito loves all of you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion (INCLUDING ME)

I only edited my signature to irritate you for a duration of a couple of hours before I replaced it with an event plug

I'm sorry if you are offended

anyway, lets not spam the funeral thread.

thx for understanding.
and we all have the right to choose what we like :wink:

ha anyways tho we went a lit bit off topic however i gotta say im a big fan of FFAF,lol.
I first came across FFAF when i played an EA sports video game, cant really remember which one it is. But i thot it was quite nice.Roman of Firebrands tried to remind me of the song but i still couldnt get it.
and the first song that i heard from them was All The Rage...and yes still my fav till now...i love the drums intro in the beginning of the song.... 8)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
my first song was 10:45 amsterdam conversation. it really hit me really hard. now im their fan. weee.
i havent heard any of their new album songs, but i heard mixed reviews about it, and sorta like their sound is different from Hours or Casually dressed.=/

Hope they play the older material. end of nothing!
Yea their new stuff is kinda different, but still good..

hope they do the art of american football!. Or maybe some Revolution... :o
Gonna get their tickets this week mates! :D It could be just me, but don't you people think the new album really really - can't find a better word - sucks? I prefer the old FFAF; from '7 Ways' to 'Hours' but I just can't get into the new album. Really hope that they'll play Escape artists never die or You want romance, now those are FFAF songs.