Saddest music you've ever heard

Everything Changes - Staind..
Dont Cry - G'n'R..

and got this one hari raya song.. ..damn sad, i forgot the title though.
'Everything changes' by Staind is not exactly a sad song to most people because they haven't gone through what the song is talking about. But I have, so yeah, the song does make me emotional when I listen to it.

'No one there' by Sentenced is also a very sad song. It makes me think of my grandfather who is having non-stop health problems. Very emotional song there. I also find 'Hands held high' and 'Shadow of the day' by Linkin Park very moving songs.
On the topic of war-songs, I'd say Scorpions' 'Wind of change' is quite a sad song, incredibly emotional song.

I also agree Johnny Cash's cover of 'Hurt' is very depressing. I find it hard to believe its a cover! He just does it so well. But he was always an amazing singer and guitarist.
I dreamt there was no war - Eagles
The Scientist - Coldplay
Fix You - Coldplay
Here Without You - 3 Doors Down
Almost Lover - Fine Frenzy
the saddest songs i've heard would be:

Leaving - Time Spent Driving

If The Fault Fits - Time Spent Driving

I'll Take You Everywhere - Penfold

Hours - Fire Fight

Emergency - Paramore

Who's Killing Who - Bleed The Dream
Everybody's Changing-Keane

the meaning is actually about the band and their friends.They realised everybody's moving on/changing having a family life and they're still writing songs.
Here Without You - 3 Doors Down
Just Take My Heart - Mr Big
Namidairo n Goodbye Days - YUI
Kehancuran - S'pore's own legendary rock kapak band ROCKERS
Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton

What can I say... I'm a softie...hehe..
if you match up a sad occasion and a sad song then it would really mean something.cant be listening to sad music and no reference to a sad moment in life.