S.L.A.P. Support Local Artist Project


New member
SLAP - a short abbreviation for Support Local Artists Project. Started by 2 individuals who noticed that there is not much support for the local arts scene, they have come up with the idea of creating a magazine. A magazine that is dedicated exclusively to emerging artists out there who wants a platform to showcase their creative works. It will be a quarterly magazine given free and 5 000 copies will be distributed to arts venue and retail stores. Raw talents do come and go but those who are really talented are hard to come by. Anyone out there can claim himself or herself to be a talented designer but how about those who are really good but are shy to showcase their creative works to the public? That is where SLAP comes in and offers these talented individuals the platform. It can be in any forms or medium be it he or she is a graffiti artist who wants to showcase his/her works, a graphic designer, an illustrator, a musician, a photographer or an animator.

- To provide a platform for talented individuals to showcase his /her creative works.
- To raise awareness towards the local arts scene in Singapore.

We hope the magazine will definitely help in creating awareness to the public. Furthermore, it will allow the public to accept these raw talents and maybe, use their services if in any case, they want someone to design their brochure or photograph an event. As for us, we feel contented that these talented individuals are being acknowledged because of their creativity.

Who I'd like to meet:

We are in the midst of collating works from talented individuals. If you want to showcase your works in the magazine, you can do so by emailing us. It can be your illustrations, photography works, graffiti art, graphic works and also if you are in a band or even in a dance crew, WE WANT YOU to email us. If you know anyone who fits the bill, tell them to email us too.

myspace: www.myspace.com/slap_singapore
email: slap.massy@gmail.com