s€rious k€yboard probl€m


New member
h€y ppl s€riously i n€€d h€lp. As u can s€€, th€ l€tt€r aft€r th€ alphab€t "D" in th€ €nglish languag€ app€ars as th€ €uro symbol. And wh€n i pr€ss th€ l€ft arrow k€y th€ pag€ loads th€ pr€vious pag€. now this is scary man. And i pr€ss th€ up arrow k€y th€ pag€ r€loads. this is s€rious k€yboard probl€m. H€LP!!!
My workplace com also has a similar problem. The when press I shift 2 together , I'm suppose to get a @ , instead I get a ". Same problem applies to the "key. I hit " and it gives me an @.
DoubleBlade said:
My workplace com also has a similar problem. The when press I shift 2 together , I'm suppose to get a @ , instead I get a ". Same problem applies to the "key. I hit " and it gives me an @.

Eh same ah, thats cause we prorgrammed our keyboard to be british. I dono how to change it, last time got one dude here give instruction but didnt work for me.
@@@@@@@. """""". hmmm this s€€ms to b working though. l€mm€ c. h€r€ go€s. a full ch€ck ahah.


so alphab€tically only € is d€ad. oth€r than tht, th€ numpad is d€ad too, and th€ l€ft n up arrow k€ys go€s back n r€loads a pag€ r€sp€ctiv€ly. this sucks. th€ languag€ s€ttings do€snt hav€ an €ff€ct. i chang€d to n fro. €nglish uk €ng us vic€-v€rsa. nothing happ€ns.
part with $19 and ur old juck'ol keyboard and get a new quality silent spill proof one from sim lim... haha

check to see if ur key board is programmmed to US 101
Try this:

Control Panel -> Regional and Language Option -> Languages tab -> under "Text services and input languages" section, click "details" -> under "installed services", make sure keyboard is selected as "US" -> click OK.

May have to restart PC after that.
ok. cracked the problem. nothing to do with keyboard being faulty or the language. something just went wrong with configuration settings in the registry. i tweaked some settings. deleted some parameters for the utility managements, reverted the configuration, n i dunno what else i did, bt now its back to normal. :lol:

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