RUDRA - New music video trailer


New member
Hi guys, here's the trailer for the new RUDRA music video, Hymns from the Blazing Chariot:



Watch out for the full release soon, end 2009.
wrong info

That's really a 300 copycat.

hi sorry for the interruption but they are not being 300 copycats in anyway. I am an Indian and just for your knowledge, epic indian tales and old movie scenes that depict war and violence look exactly like what is being shown in the trailer. if you dont believe me, you can ask around or maybe even buy one of those old indian movies to have a look. coincidentally, war scenes of that era look the same. due to the fact that there wasn't technology at that time and everything was melee combat related, it is save to say that the formations and war strategies were similar and therefore made you believe that they are copying 300.

By the way, during the initial part of the trailer, you hear Hindu chantings or hymns that was sung out as prayers to the gods to ensure that war was successful on the part of the side which actually carried out the prayers. according to the trailer, there is a story behind it looking at the part where one puts his weapon down and kneels before another. since its only a trailer, you can only figure out what is happening when the whole thing is out. please next time comment with some form of information at hand. that way, comments would be less intellectually challenged with all due respect.
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K, I have no knowledge about ancient indian warfare. But the uncanny resemblance cannot be ignored. The visual is the same, and the whole masked army really reminds you of the ones in 300. Do they really wear masks to war?

P/S: Just to add I have nothing against them. I didn't say its a bad copycat anyway.
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They do wear such masks to war. it is head protection after all dont you think? and no worries about having anything to do against them. it does have resemblance to 300. i mean i don't think they could lay their hands on the masks used by the Indians so i guess the best they could get are the spartan styled masks:)