mass order thread

SGD 50. The more the cheaper. Which means when we meet up if we do, your kopi will upgrade to starbucks. I roughly checked the price using the check out thingy. Which is what a staff from Rondo suggested I do. And according to them, we won't need a gig bag. So we're safe. It'll come in some sort of "master carton" thing.

Alright. If you guys have any questions or want to place order, just pm, email me at or sms me at 96231066.

Shipping will be by fedex(3-5 days). They aren't willing to give us any discounts but the more orders I get, the cheaper the shipping(yeah I calculated that as well).

Formula for calculation : (cost of item x 1.47(tentative just to be safe) + 50sgd"big item"/ 30sgd"small item") x 1.07"gst"= amount you have to transfer to me.
Not at all. Alright I need a vote you guys, I can receive the shipment for you all, but you guys will have to wait until my first bookout(i'm enlisting 13 june). Or you guys can trust another softie. I only know his name and email and handphone.
I have not placed the order yet. Still calculating shipping and gst, been pretty busy lately. And I have not asked yall to wire me the money yet. So unless I order it in two days time, I don't think it will make it to my place on time.
ooh. then i'm fine with collecting from another softie, since i'm sure everyone also wants to get their stuff asap.
Alright then, I'll start collecting money now.

Here's the formula:(cost of item x 1.47+ 50sgd"big item"/ 30sgd"small item") x 1.07"gst"= amount you have to transfer to me.

If there are leftovers, I will transfer the excess back to you guys.

Transfer to: 209247828 POSB savings

After you have transfered the money over. Please send me an email. Things to include in the email...

1. The total cost of the items and please show it in the formula thingy that I made up because I'm not very good at Math.
2. Copy and paste the links of the items you are purchasing.
3. Leave a handphone number so that I can contact you.
4. Your bank account number
5. If you think I have missed out something in the list, do tell.

We have 4 confirmed orders so far. Baskit so many pang seh. Order closes at midnight tonight. Will order when I'm back from Mambo tonight as long as I'm sober.