D drumandbass New member Jun 27, 2009 #23 I heard the headstock will be on sometime close to Christmas. But i may be wrong. Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
D drumandbass New member Jun 27, 2009 #25 Guess it'll look like this? http://www.rondomusic.com/pisces2ts.html
lardylard New member Jun 28, 2009 #26 hell ! that's fugly on a bass! i hope i can get one before they change their headstock .
B bearclaw New member Jun 30, 2009 #27 the headstock does not match the bass at all wanna get a tele next order...
A ahkiatt New member Jul 11, 2009 #28 bearclaw can you pm me the amount for gst and your bank acc number and your hp number so i can transfer the gst amount to you. Cheers!
bearclaw can you pm me the amount for gst and your bank acc number and your hp number so i can transfer the gst amount to you. Cheers!
H Hickey_ New member Jul 11, 2009 #29 Hey guys do let fellow softies know if you guys gonna ship in again. I might wanna ship in a fretless just for the fun. If i have moolah that is.
Hey guys do let fellow softies know if you guys gonna ship in again. I might wanna ship in a fretless just for the fun. If i have moolah that is.
R redhat New member Jul 13, 2009 #30 buying bass from rondo i am also interested in buying bass from rondo, anyone here interested or going to buy from rondo as well?
buying bass from rondo i am also interested in buying bass from rondo, anyone here interested or going to buy from rondo as well?
lardylard New member Jul 15, 2009 #31 everyone's eager , just that we're waiting for somebody to start a mass order , too bad i don't have a credit card if not i'll start one
everyone's eager , just that we're waiting for somebody to start a mass order , too bad i don't have a credit card if not i'll start one