Rockstar Drinks

No they don't sell it in Singapore, which is unfortunate cos they taste real good. I prefer Rockstars more than Redbull.
i kinda like this one leh:

esp with vodka.

wanna be a rockstar? just drink booze!
distortedbassist, please note that the Open Mic section is for showcasing music . I will move this to the Kopi-tiam now.
I think they call that vodka mixture Ak47 or something here.BUt yeah i love the red bull taste somehow...
I think they call that vodka mixture Ak47 or something here.BUt yeah i love the red bull taste somehow...

Bro AK47 is something totally different man. That one is the pineapple-ish tasting drink that is very strong and very nice. VERY strong, it has every damn liqor i can think of inside, and still manages to taste very good. haha
redbull taste like shit when its not cold, becomes too sweet and like wanna get sore throat . rockstar seems damn nice to drink but dun have here in singapore =(
red bull tastes like the bubblegum that i used to chew. those that have the fake tattoo thingamajig at the inside of the wrapper. lol.
i cant believe i drank like one carton of red bulls during my exams. -.- i drink cold redbull also feel like i got sore throat LOL. and i tried the sugarfree redbull. damn bitter. -.- oh oh wanna import rockstar? :D