ROCKON @ DXO 26th JANUARY 1pm-7pm

actually the 1st gig i perform was rock on too..28oct 2007
dat was my 1st gig..diz will be my 2nd gig..
ppl advice me dat juz do watever u did at jamming sessions..
u will do alright..and it turns right..
evry band has their bad performance once..
if it turns bad..juz like guyrence said "let ur feelings take over"
Oh well,am not getting a slot there cos theres gonna be a meza virs/bhelliom/truth be known gig..most of the crowd's probably gonna be there&selling 30 tickets isnt easy especially if each ticket is 12 bucks.

i sold 40 at the last rockon and i played all covers . with regards to the debate on the tickets and pricing started by some loser with no life , i mean if you cant afford the tickets , too bad . life is unfair . honestly if you hope to become a rockstar in singapore (in reference to rockonkills) well then again judging by your mentality and command of english , obviously not very smart . if we keep having free gigs how on earth is the local scene gonna even prosper . there has to be profits made somewhere . MTV makes billions because they make profits . not just give our free performances .

Perhaps the ticket prices and number needed to be sold could be lowered to quell this .
i guess if bands cant face up to the challenge , in this case selling tickets , they dont deserve to make it or have fans . go read the Slash's autobiography . anyway those who say that this is killing the industry , go do something about it then , dont just sit there and whine , go organise your own gigs and get people to abide by your regulations then .
Firstly, every single gig organised, someone has to bring up about this being a scam or ripping people off or any other negitive action done by this gig. A scam or ripping people requires false information or force. As u all can see all information is cleared stated and all bands who perform will sign a ticket indemity contract which states all terms and conditions. How can this be ripping someone off by enforcing our right to what has been agreed on. Secondly, if 12 bands would like to perfrom to 240 people so be it. Go set up your own gig and be happy with such a crowd. DXO has a maximum capacity of 800 paxs downstairs. With the current 300-400 paxs u can imagine how empty it is already reducing the tixs will only make it look worst. Lastly $12 is definately high but u have to understand that we provide a profit for the band. We can easily drop it $10 and the band earns nothing there wouldnt be a difference to us. Actually we would most probably be able to sell more since tickets are cheaper.

On a lighter note. For the first time people actually kept to the deadline.

Updated List. 2 more slots left.

Pls feel free to give negative comments
the best is 20 tickets and 10bucks
and 2 dollar commision...
never fails to attract bands and crowd
try doin tat and u see crowd...
u will still gain..
and we see crowd that jus dun seat u will see crowd falin in there
lol,if Rock On doesnt earn anything out of the gig then he will be the slave to the bands!He has to have profits to have more gigs!Everyone has to start off small anyway.

p.s maybe you should get someone to do an online poster(:Good luck!
yo wassup!
my band,how to kill a muffinman would like a slot(:
sorry for the late reply but we couldnt contact ur number.
we play straight up indie and wanna be in the line up too.

contact me asap yuh.

thanks alot!

Maman - the best is 20 tickets and 10bucks
and 2 dollar commision...
never fails to attract bands and crowd
try doin tat and u see crowd...
u will still gain..
and we see crowd that jus dun seat u will see crowd falin in there

totally agree with you. That was what Music Mania did and i think it worked great. I think by far , thats the best way which works both for organizers and performers. Sell 20 tickets minimum. $2 commission for every ticket sold. I believe organizers shldnt be too selfish abt it. Sell 30 tickets (which is a lot) and get $0 profit. Sorry but i think thats retarded. I dont know if anyone is gonna flame me. But its my opinion and i believe everyone has his/her right to voice out.