Rockers - Still Schooling

17, but 18 in december this year. First year of poly ending soon.
Just started guitar.
@GrayAkira I live in the private land area next to the east ITE!
The ITE is damn nice, but some students spoil the image!
GrayAkira said:
Play mostly anything from underground to mainstreem, except for those super crazy stuff like power & prog metal those kind. I just can't do it right now..

Eh Wan, let's play Racer X. HAHAHA. :lol:
level: sec4(o level tis yr)
age: 16
gear: guitar(main instrument), bass, piano
current situation: searching for band mates, wanna make a all round metal band...covers anything from metallica to A7X
candie said:
GrayAkira said:
Play mostly anything from underground to mainstreem, except for those super crazy stuff like power & prog metal those kind. I just can't do it right now..

Eh Wan, let's play Racer X. HAHAHA. :lol:

*stand at the edge of a tall building*
hay88 said:
18 this yr sp chem proccess tech. guitars

hey what's the diff between chem engineering and chem processing ah?

oh yeah.. waiting for poly admission.guitar and bass. and a little of keys. and recorder. :D
soon to degenerate into another "party after o levels" AKA worthless waste of forum resources chat thread.
strats: chem process we get to choose between food, industrial or polymer on the 2nd yr. chem engineering is more in-depth i guess? not sure
unsane:nothing wrong with wanting to find out other musicians from our own school. who knows maybe we can find like minded people in our own school that we're not aware of.

hay: ahhh... i'm still not sure of the difference.. which poly you from? SP?

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