*ROCK THE HALL* @ Ngee Ann Poly Atrium - Fri, 23th May



Ampeg bass amp belongs to Song Composing Club of NP.

Peavey bass amp belongs to me.

Ampeg is not available on 22nd and 23rd.

Peavey bass amp is available.

there ya go taa daa
ben is shooooo sexay. wear singlet hor, i want to see your bulging biceps when you're carrying the amp! :razz:

okay i'm not supporting cerca trova already, supporting mannequin masquerade instead. teehheee.
ben is shooooo sexay. wear singlet hor, i want to see your bulging biceps when you're carrying the amp! :razz:

okay i'm not supporting cerca trova already, supporting mannequin masquerade instead. teehheee.

WAH! Fine... Fine... Be that way. Hmmpfxzxz! >: (
Attention: there willl not be any bass duel between veek and minmin.. as they would be busy trying to run away from me :D hohoho
Thanks Kev but I'm in no position to have a bass duel la. I'll loose terribly and have to run off with a paperbag over my head while running away from MH and his allen keys. GO AWAY YOU!! I burn your hair!

Grimriffer: Why duwwan see my seksi bass! Hahaha =x
waliew kevin, what's this man.

looks like i'm on my own now.


*strangles ming ming, throws away allen keys*