Rock-on @ DXO 24th Feb 07 Lets rock the club !

I honestly don't mind but

1) I don't organise gigs... I just go for them and my current band is only just starting to gig, and
2) I'm an NSF la :( :smt070 (which supports your #5 on topics discussed whether NS hinders development of Live music in Singapore,hur hur hur)

I'll see if I can book out in time to go home and shower first :)
The idea is to have not just DGOs but musicians, music related business owners like Nikk and Rui, Platform operators like James to come together and have a decent forum.

According to Calvin who came from SPH, this is the first one in five years lol

anyway, let's not hijack this thread

One of the biggest advantage of making bands to sell tickets is to ensure that there is a crowd to listen to them preform. It is very demoralising for a band to perform to a empty audience. I hope everyone sees how this will allow more people to expericence the live music scene in singapore.

no. one of the biggest advantages of making bands sell tickets is to take the responsibility of promotion off the organizer, and to reduce the organizer's likelihood of making a loss.

bands don't need to be forced to sell tickets to pull in crowds. organizers always worry about covering their investments, which is fine. but trying to make bands sign a contract where they must sell a minimum of 40 tickets or else they are liable to get sued is not cool. it's ridiculous.

essentially this is handing over responsibility for the organizer's profits and gig promotion to the bands, without the organizer really doing anything.

there are WELL PLENTY of platforms where bands can play without having to worry about being sued because they can't sell enough tickets. and there are plenty of organizers that bands trust and enjoy working with.

local music doesn't need a profit-hungry parasite posing as a concerned (albeit irresponsible) gig organiser.

the thing that paticularly pissed me off was when we went to meet glen to get the tickets and stuff...he said we had to sign a contract (which i do not mind so much)...then his friend know you'll be sued right if we don't give back all the cash...

it's like wtf? i met u for the first time and u told me i'm getting sued? 8O
well said serialninja. I dun mind HELPING to sell. But MUST sell is a whole different thing altogether. Like that why have the need for organizers? The bands might as well just do it themselves. You know there's a whole industry of managers, agents, booking agents, venues, publishers etc (the list goes on) just for the music industry, for bands and for booking shows and so on (you know what I mean la). Only here we don't have. Strange though, but not surprised. Anyway, that's not what I wanna say. All I wanna say is, though I've already said it, is I dun mind HELPING to sell but not MUST sell. And of course I won't just sit around and turn up for the gig to play only. I still spam everyone I know and don't know to come to the gig, (to watch me play that is. hahaha) Whether they wanna come or not is another story altogether. I can't force them. Oh and kids trying to use litigation. Don't make me laugh la. There's so many levels above and beyond their head that they'll probably never see it even when up on the DHL balloon at Bugis. That's my rant. Literally. ;)
tsk tsk tsk...

tat sounds like..................................................... shit.
can kena sue ah? lol

i dunno man... i nvr play in gigs where i have to sell ticket. coz i noe tat not much i can let go & oso tat i dun reli like selling.isnt it the promoters job?

the least i perform infront of 100,000 ppl (ya rite)... the least i can say is 5 ppl. coz the rest left after their frds' band played or they left coz our genre is not their cup of tea. but wat to do... ppl tis days want to have things done easily (ticket selling), and the ppl who came to watch (more to genre choosing).

ok peace
DGOs/ Organizers.

Employ someone to sell the tickets for the event. That makes life easier for everyone. No need pay for the band. Pay Commision to the tickets sellers.

The bands can sell tickets to their fans/lovers/friends.

We want everyone to be happy.

Each one has their own task.

Thanks for reading.
Thanks Again.
hey guys,

i've signed the contract. i just hope de event will turn out well. if you can please do come down. it's at DXO on the 24th. From 1pm to 7pm. Tickets are at $10 bucks from me inclusive of 1 drink.

anyway, i've been wondering, FOR EXAMPLE. if you have signed a contract to sell tickets? and over verbal agreement the organiser has confirmed that a few other bands are playing, and said he would do promotions(online poster) about the gig too.
but what if the organiser does nothing? like you are not notified of the scheduling and it turns up that the bands he said will play are not there and he does not promote or find any way to promote the gig online. that would definitely be considered a CHEATING right? Cause he said something will happen and it turns out things are not happening the way he said it to right?
we're still capable of reporting to CASE right? everything has to be justified. and that would not be ethical at all. just a discussion.

what would you think or do?
de_john88 - hey man, you're like using a knife to fight someone with a gun since he only gave you verbal assurance, while you signed his contract...

Maybe what you can do is type out the points from the contract so people here can have a look and give pointers...

just my opinion...
hey saito,
exactly. band names should have been at least posted like 5 days in advance. let's see if the organiser would put it up later.
anyway, my band cardinal avenue is gonna play tmr at 430. it's gonna be our first gig. we play alternative pop punk rock.
if you can please come down. haha.

have a great day people.
peace out,
here are some of the pics.






for more. check
boys and girls...

choose wisely which gig organisers to support.
dont feed your money and efforts to those gig organisers who are not worthy.
dont feed it to those who dont do shit and make the bands guarentee their profits.

next time you bands wanna perform, practice hard and if you're good enough, you will surely get your chance to perform.. and i mean in gigs that dont FORCE you to sell tickets..


Thanks for the pics

On behalf of three way street, wanna say a big big thank you for all the pics... We really do appreciate it. And i must say, those are some awesome stuff... Love ya loads...

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