Rock EX @ phunk bar

sofyan & strats: :D
candie: I love you too! (; Can't wait for it man. We'll see if 'those people' will really come. Lol.
candie said:
hay88: I really don't do DDR!

gordonthemofo: My band's The Eisen Guards, our slot's at 8pm so stay and watch and start a mosh pit k! :D Oh btw so sorry we're not playing Aces High :P If blahblah would be kind enough to extend our set, we'll play DANCE OF DEATH :D

blahblah: Watch your RED blotchy face! HAHA.

Guitarnoob: Many people cover Maiden, but doesn't mean it isn't kick to play/watch others play ;)

Frummer: I <3 Pepper ok! So glad she's coming :D Don't bully her la! I'll roar you to death. HAHA. And I'm not 13 -_-

lilrampage: At least I look older than YOU! :D

Michaelangelo: Nah we're not playing that song either LOL.

Strats: Girls not easy to bully ok!

i think you guys got an extended set :) and ooi! its called a healthy pink glow ok dong was way higher.
pepper: AWW. *melts* Lol. Nah I don't think they'll come. You know better than that ;) Lerp maybe. The rest no. Ahaha.

blahblah: WAH REALLY AH. Don't cheat my feelings okay. LOL. And you were REALLY RED! Dong was higher but at least he wasn't red :p :P :P

lilrampage: Aww you emokid. Lol. Don't like that la, sit at home and watch jellyfish mate for what? Come down and catch US ok! Cheap drinks you know, I know you love it :D
But then again, I feel that Lerp may buy but not go. LOL. Okok he will.

Ok, see you! Eh why so many things happening on 25th? :\
blahblah said:
ooi! its called a healthy pink glow ok dong was way higher.

healthy pink glow my foot. you were red and blotchy! and behind your ears! HAHAHA damn red. yeah though dong was sooo hiiiiiiiiiigh. I was the only sober one :lol: hahaha.
blahblah said:
no nic you were pretty red yourself..beware lest the banglas attack. :lol: :lol:

hey I'm not the one who lives along a road filled with banglas whhaha. and I just did another bottle today and I didn't turn red at all, Dong is damnnnn jealous :lol:
Isit just me or you guys went drinking at swensens? LOL. Okay maybe you guys went elsewhere. Anyways, candie, we need to talk.

And this thread is going totally off topic. But that's like the way to keep it alive till the gig yeh? Haha.

Frummer: Ish no lah, where got? Why should I hate you? I mean you're not significant enough. (;

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