rock, blues,jazz and funk at $80 a month


New member
Hi guys recruiting new guitar students who are keen to learn guitar.Genres taught would be rock ,blues,jazz and funk.Some of the things that i will be teaching would be

-Minor pentatonic soloing
-Construction of major scales
-Fretboard visualization
-Harmonic minor scale soloing
-Different types of triads
-Arpeggio playing using different inversions
-Sweep picking
-Inside and outside picking
-Soloing in the style of different rock guitarist
-Eight finger tapping
-Alternate picking
-Advance usage of arpeggio

-12 bar blues
-different type of dominant chord voicing
-Construction of the dominant chord
-The usage of the 1,4,5 progression
-Dominant chord extension
-Solo in the style of different blues guitarist
-Chord tone soloing

-Diatonic chord harmonization
-Outlining the harmony using arpeggios
-Walking bass line
-Alternating bass
-Bossa nova
-Linear line soloing
-Soloing using arpeggios
-Chord embellishment
-Chord alteration
-chord extension
-Chord substitution

-16TH note strumming
-Side stepping
-Different rhythm picking
-Strumming in eights,triplet,sixteenth
-Creating rhythm base on modes

Guys this are some of the things that i will be teaching and much more that is not listed, lesson can be conducted at my place or yours.For those of you who are interested to take up lesson please msg me at 82240785 please do not pm,lesson fees would be $80 a month thanks:p
Hi guys thanks for the interest sorry that i forget to tell about the lesson frequency.
There would be 4 lessons per month 1 lesson would be 1 hour
-lesson would be conducted at my place at sembawang
-Notes would be provided
-dont have to bring any guitar
-There are a few available slots msg me at 8224 0785 if interested