rhcp and the eagles cover

hey guys , at least you're all better then my first school gig. was horrible 8O

anyway i got this feeling the drummer's going faster and faster.
Im so sorry dude but i wanna say, Its so funny watching the video cus it looks like you guys are some kinda toys like Lego or somethingl. hehehehe. and the two guitarist in the corner seem to be slowly walking off stage. :lol:

Plus during the breakdowns they look like their wanking.


but seriously. its not bad. needs backup singers this song.
Wow.the stage looks verrrrrrrry much like the Temasek Sec stage.. Lucky u said it was cat. high.. lol
WOOW!!!! Great sound!!!

Love the drums!!! managed to get the kick and toms to sound so powerful! Must have been a riot 'live' !

Now that you got your sound, wroking on 'the look' is a piece od cake - relativly :)

Carry on rocking and hope to see more of you guys in SOFT.
whose shredrat? haha yupp he's toon ee. anyway, thanks for all the comments guys, the keyboardist looks familiar? i don't know why haha.
we're 16 and nope, we didn't do the slane castle improvisation, it was the one improvised from that, the hyde park outro. hope you liked it. :D