Republic Poly Jammerz Arena Presents; The Uprising Series - Jammerz Aloud

republic jammerz

New member
Jammerz Arena IG holds monthly shows that features its bands and other talented music groups that resides in Republic Poly and the local music scene. With the support from CREATE. Republic and The Staff's of "The Republic Cultural Centre" It has given the IG various opportunities to excel both in the performing arts and knowledge behind the makings of a show. With venues like the theatre and many others, TRCC has given us many space and opportunities to grow both in our talent, music and the arts.

With our debut show titled "The Revival" in late Dec 2009, jammerz arena has seen a new phase and change in management and its team of leaders. With this new leadership & committed pool of talented members, Jammerz Arena has created a name for itself in the CREATE. Republic. Namely, a self sufficient IG. An IG that can be trusted to get things done and produces results and not just empty promises.

That very show, titled "The Revival" was made to depict that very same idea that jammerz has gone through. A new era, with a new face and new music direction. Moving on, we than decided to name our show "The Uprising" Which depicts the rising growth of our music talents in Jammerz Arena. As we set out on a journey to improve both musically and academically.

We decided with the support of TRCC, monthly shows that gives our music talents opportunities to showcase their talents in our Show titled "The Uprising Series", the story behind the series tells of Republic Poly Youths rising to the needs of their interest in the music & performing arts, showing their best in everything they do, these series will showcase the growth of musical talents and the growth of cultured students alike.

With our monthly themes changing, it will feature songs that depicts a story that we are trying to communicate to our audiences. Though unknown to our listeners, we love to leave our audience with a need for more as we bring about surprises in all our shows.

So do catch Jammerz Arena Self Produced Monthly show titled "The Uprising Series" as we bring you on a journey together with Jammerz Arena Bands & local RP musicians to reach that ultimate dream of excellence in both performance & their studies.

!!!!! (Highly Recommended To Interested RP Student's
Whom wish to Join Jammerz Arena IG)!!!!!!

Next Show " 27th April 2010" 1700hrs (House Opens 1645hrs)
TRCC, LAB lvl2 (Free Entry, Ticketed Event)
Theme: Jammerz Aloud

Featuring RP JA Bands:
Bear Culture

For ticket Reservations or enquiries, please email, Facebook us @

or msn us @

Ticket Reservation Closing Date: 23rd April 201 (Tickets Going Fast!!)
i thought you told bands that were interested to play that there won't be any show for March and that you will contact them if there is another show coming up in April? hmm.
Hey guys, just to clarify as a member of JA, this show we're doing is an annual school concert along with other CCA's for our school's freshmen orientation programme. Sorry if there's been any misunderstanding!
Grave from Sweden

RP was the chosen venue for the Swedish Death Metal Masters - Grave!

It's an awesome place for gigs.

Horns up. \m/
