Republic Poly Jammerz Arena Auditions 2010

republic jammerz

New member
Jammerz Arena Audition Runs 2010

Music/Arts - Audition
Start Date:
Monday, May 10, 2010 at 4:00pm
End Date:
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 9:00pm
TRCC Lab, Lvl 2

Auditions Details;

Round 1 (Individual Auditions)
10th of May 2010 (Mon) – Drums
18thof May 2010 (Tue) – Guitar & Bass
13th of May 2010 (Thu) – Vocals, Keyboards & Others

Round 2 (Final Auditions)
20th of May 2010 (Thu)
21st of May 2010 (Fri)

Auditions Slots has been sent out to interested parties whom have signed up with us during SLA Fiesta 2010. Please check your school email for audition details.

If you are unable to attend, due to any reasons at all. Please inform us in advance via email to (Please Bring You own instruments)

Do indicate to us if you do not own the instrument you intend to audition for.

Check us out at -

Good Luck!

Yours Sincerely,
Jammerz Arena Auditions Team 2010
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