Replacement - Rusty screws inside the drums... :(


New member
Hi people,

I need to maintain a Tama Custom Rockstar Drumset. The outer condition is not too bad. But I realised that all the screws inside the drum kits are rusty. Can I get it form any hardware shop or must I go back to Tama? I try search on-line for those screws but can't really find anything... Anybody know where I can buy those screws?
You may be able to find a match in hardware shops. Just bring a sample piece along to match it with.
Plan A...

I guess I'll try that out at those hardware shop around my area...

I actually found one "on-line store" which sell lug screws yesterday night or this early morning. It is selling them at abt US$5 per 12 set (screws + washers). I think I need abt 10pack to replace whole drumset. So it will cost about US$75 for me to buy and ship them over!!! haha... xiong!!!

And the other thing is - are all brands of drums use the same dimension of lug screw? Anyone can answer this? If yes then I might be ordering them on-line, if not I might just buy 1 pack first...
Wait, are you talking about screws or tension rods?


Tension rods


Drum Supply House - DrumParts Online
Screws! Yes! The thing to hold the lug from inside the drum like what's in your first picture.
The tension rod can be found easily from some on-line music store. (And local shop too...) But don't think we can get them from hardware shop... :)
I had try asking from the local distributor, but they give me answer "Don't know" for both question when I ask them about the price and the availablity... :(
I knew about the thread and size thing. I not so concern about the screw head, cos it just a matter of screwing it. But the thread size and screw length is very important. BTW, I had order them from DrumMaker. The only thing is they don't come with the bigger washer... :(
So, I guess I still have to get them from hardware store... which is not too difficult I think. Thanks anyway.

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