replacement pickups


New member
i've been thinking about replacing the stock pickups of my standard Jazz. can i just ask, is it possible to install a humbucker in the birdge position (which is obviously currently a single-coil cavity)? I'm thinking the EMG MM humbuckers. Is there any way to enlargen that cavity to fit in that humbucker?
Thanks ya.

oh oh and 1 more thing. is it possible to convert a passive Jazz into an active one by replacing the necessary circuitry?
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You can just bring your Jazz body to any "real" luthier and he should be able to help you with the routing. Don't ask me for recommendations. I've had so many bad experiences with almost all the "luthiers" in Singapore that I decided to do all these guitar works on my own now.

But for the humbucker pickup, I'd recommend a Nordstrand.
You'll need to worry about the different output and DC resistance between the single coil and humbucker.

Lastly, about the preamp..
If your Jazz bass has a top route, just look at Audere or J-retro drop in replacement.
I have experience with both and the Audere is much easier to replace. (no soldering needed.)
If your bass has a rear route, you have more options.
I've tried EMG, Aguilar, Bartolini, Audere, Seymore Duncan, John East, Sadowsky... They are all different and have their own use.. Hard to describe. There are some more on the market like Demeter and raven labs. These two I really want to try but haven't had the opportunity, do let me know if you get them ya. :D


For your viewing pleasure: I routed this on my Warmoth awhile back.



thanks eugene!
i've read many posts here mentioning these nordstrands. i guess i'll go read up on them now. i'll do more research too. care to recommend any sites? oh and i read up seymour duncan's website and found these Jazz stak replacements which are the size of the standard Jazz pups only their output is similar to humbuckers.. Any thoughts on that? are those really comparable to humbuckers? thanks ya.
and by the way, i like the warmoths, with the humbuckers i want somemore! torturous man.. jk
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I wouldnt recommend re-routing your pickup cavity to slot in an MM. would cause a lot more problems and $$ if you don't go to a good luthier and as has mentioned, most singapore luthiers are crap. I know.

about the SD pickups, i'm using SD AJB 5s on my warwick. my warwick originally came in passive, but decided that i needed the active clarity and definition. i didn't add in an onboard eq control for it though, i simply used the passive style tone control. yes, the output has increased a lot and i'm finding that i have to turn down the gain on the amps i use more.
Well, if you want to maintain the resale value of your bass I'd recommend not to route it.
And it really depends on what you want out of it.
There are many other mods that are "reversable" like changing your pickups, bridge, nut, capacitors... The irreversable are changing of string-tree, tuners...

The most overlooked part of a bass is usually the string-tree. :D
Oh yeah, more photos.

Figure.. :D

Aguilar 3-band pre

Check out the sharp break angle of the E string. Increases the sustain by quite a bit. Very nice to slap!
EMG's are for that really active, modern tone...

But if you're looking for an upgrade to the jazz tone that you get from stock pickups, I'd recommend that you consider the Nordstrand NJ4's or NJSE's :) Pair that up with an Audere JZ3 preamp (retrofits a j bass with no modifications required) and you're in tonal heaven :D
Pair that up with an Audere JZ3 preamp (retrofits a j bass with no modifications required) and you're in tonal heaven :D

i'm really looking for an outboard preamp. is it possible to mod the audere into a box? apparently it is possible to do so with an aguilar
i've been looking around for outboard preamps too. the only one i can find is the Aguilar DB924 at Davis.

cherns: the nordstrands really burn some holes in your pocket huh? i checked out the audere JZ3 on their website. where can i find it in SG? really keen on it. thanks.
There's plenty of other options. e.g. sansamp DI from ebenex, can get the MXR-M80 from ranking sports (oppostie sweelee at brash basah complex). I'm using a sadowsky DI (ordered from US) and just got an EBS microbass II today. (can order through Davis)

As for modding the audere into a box, I dun think its advisable cos the audere is quite unique in that it loads the pickups directly, so having the cable all the way to the box will affect the resistance and stuff like that. The audere is a very easy drop in, and should not take up much time.
omg! how does it compare with the rest?

First impressions: quite like it so far, the eq with both channels combined is very very flexible. Will test it out in church this sunday. =)

Only own the sadowsky DI before this, and in terms of options, the microbass wins hands down, but the sadowsky is a one trick wonder that works really well. (Tames down the fretbuzz, makes the sound soooo much smoother)
There's plenty of other options. e.g. sansamp DI from ebenex, can get the MXR-M80 from ranking sports (oppostie sweelee at brash basah complex).

so roughly, whats the price range of these two boxes? i think if its within budget, i'd rather get the sansamp cos the MXR's boost distorts your bass right? or so i've read somewhere here.
I got an active bass Ibanez SR1300PM, but i want to change the pickup as its not well define enuff for me. Any recommendation?
First impressions: quite like it so far, the eq with both channels combined is very very flexible. Will test it out in church this sunday. =)

Only own the sadowsky DI before this, and in terms of options, the microbass wins hands down, but the sadowsky is a one trick wonder that works really well. (Tames down the fretbuzz, makes the sound soooo much smoother)

There's an OD function right? pls do tell me how it is. i've always wanted to add some nice grit in my sound but my hartke bass attack doesnt do it that well.
so roughly, whats the price range of these two boxes? i think if its within budget, i'd rather get the sansamp cos the MXR's boost distorts your bass right? or so i've read somewhere here.


The MXR has a distortion channel that u can turn on and off. Do some research on the pedals before you buy.