remember subbuteo??


New member
remember this game sold in the early 90's. Packaging used to be all green with 22 small man of red colour and blue and a football field mat complete with goldposts.... Great for football enthusiasts.... Currently finding enthusiasts who used to own this game.... maybe would like to make one as a pastime collection...

ah that game was awesome. probably more mid/late 80s used to be able to buy different international teams not just red/blue. i remember converting an unused pull out bed into a stadium of sorts, complete with crowd pics/sponsor banners along the sides....

tis all gone now, along with my transformer collection..ah the good old days.

i look at the Subbuteo's website at Nowadays the game is so impressive, u could buy ur own grandstand, players, skills set and sponsor. Also there is ther own version of Fifa Street..... Sweet...

Anyone knows where to buy subbuteo in SG??
yeah...those were the days...
i remember once,when we finished our exams n there's the few days "free" period...
we wud organized our own world cup at the back of the class...
I loved it but till now I still dunno how the game should be played.

I remember my chums and I just chasing the ball simultaneously, no order no nothing...

and then the men would break off easily from the bottom, thats when i learnt that super glue cannot be washed off with tap water.
actually.. i tink i might sitll have one box of it at home.. haha.. not sure if anything's missing though.. haha.. and im a 80s kid.. so the game isn't just for 70s onli :D
Subbuteo is alive and well. There is a Lions Subbuteo Club in Singapore and active World Cup teams and tournaments around the world. Those of you with sets from the 70s and 80s - hold on to 'em - cos they are collectors' items today. If you're interested to get back in touch with the hobby - as I am these days - do log on to for some fun reads as well as links to dealers and eBay auctions.
Who still remember the song they used to play for the ad? I can only remember it going like " subbuteo.. oh oh oh oh". I never had that but I remember the figurines in the ad looks way better than the ones sold.
Oh ya haha... I remember the song. The earlier figures are of poor quality. If you hit it too hard on the figure, it will come off. You will need superglue to fix them ;)
those wer great back den...
my players a;ways get "injured"
broken legs,hands,and even heads..
ala brutal death metal decapitation style...hahaha
Oh really? I remember watching on tv, the players looked all colourful and nice. If I can remember correctly they can move a abit, but the ones I saw in stores looked plain. I never saw anything that really resembled the tv ones at all.
Anyway, not need subbuteo to play, my uncle taught me how to make "players" and goalpost using tissue paper box and ball using his cigarrete box's foil. Super cheap subbuteo ripoff, anyone played those before?
Subbuteo anyone

Yo everyone!

Heard you people discussing about Subbuteo here.... would anyone here like to play the game again? I'm with the Lions Subbuteo Club right here in Singapore! and we would love to have new players to join us! So if anyone would like to play the game or wanna learn and start playing the game... lets link up and we'll be flickin in no time!! In fact, we are already planning to start a league very soon!

do drop me a line at here and I'll fill you in with all the details to join us.

Cheers!! Ole Ole Ole!!!
Hey hi!!

Saw in the forum that you liked Subbuteo. Well.. its truely still alive and well here in Singapore! Would u like to join us to start playing the game again? Let me know if you do, coz we're looking for players and hoping to start a league come next year!

you can contact me at too. Cheers!