Refinishing your drumset! (getting an awesome natural finish DIY)

Do give it a try, the food is quite good also. But closed on sunday, and if you plan to go in the late evening on fri or sat it's usually safer to get a reservation first.
wow, Composer of Requiems. your DIY finishes are really amazing. kudos to you.

would love to try that out on my Target one day but im afraid i dont have the patience to complete the entire process. haha. and the thought of tuning the snare again scares me. it's tough getting a good snare sound. lols.
Waah, where to get $10 toms? >.<

Oh btw,
Some guy documenting an instructable on his wrapping of the drums with fur.
If i had drums, I'd be tempted to try, not to mention it'll lower the drum's volume, good for HDB :D
See the zebraprint drumset on the previous pages. I used a similar method. However, when I wrapped with fur, I used tape on the edges to hold it in place as well after putting on the lugs. I feel less nervous this way.

Anyway, for those who were wondering where I was, currently me and Jeepers are both in NS. Later on tonight I'll have another refinishing to post up! (hopefully)
would the use of spray adhesive be any better? or at least longer lasting as compared to tape? :)
I've never tried it before... why don't you try it and tell us! The only drawback I can forsee is that the spray might get to places that you don't want it to, so you'll have to cover up part of it first.
@Beansprouts- sorry, didn't see your post.... well, white is pretty hard to get unless you paint or re-wrap. You can try bleaching, but I don't have experience with that. Itching to give it a try, though.

Anyway, I'm working on a Tama Stagestar now and I've got some things to say about it. Firstly, the vent is a breeze to open up, and so is the wrap. But I'm so annoyed with Tama! The innermost ply, where it won't be seen, has such beautiful grain, but the outside is just boring. I'll have to give it a black wash to pop it, I think... but even so, it won't be as pretty as the inner ply.

The outer surface of the wrap is quite normal blue, but the inner surface is such a pretty silver. They should consider wrapping some the other way round.




Wow CoR. What happened to your forums?

And yeh you're absolutely right. Very pretty figuring on the inner-ply.

What snare is that, by the way?
Wow CoR. What happened to your forums?

And yeh you're absolutely right. Very pretty figuring on the inner-ply.

What snare is that, by the way?

My forum-target hybrid set still exists, in another room! This one... will be refinished differently, then I'll sell either this or that.

The snare is the stock metal snare that comes with Tama Stagestars. The sound is quite good. I think you can't get that sound without a 13" metal snare tuned up tight.
Well, so much for trying to bring out the grain.

On the right is with a thin layer of black, on the left is after sanding off the top layer. The "grain" doesn't form nice markings, it's a wide spread of thin black lines. Which is surprising, because I thought I saw faint outlines of wavy grain patterns on the outside. Maybe it'll be nicer on the other drums. Only did the smallest tom, since I got back late from work.

Finished sanding off the top layer today to leave just the black lines.


Then applied a "teal" fade. Unfortunately, I forgot that the light yellow-ness of the wood would make the teal turn out more greenish- it's supposed to be the colour that the sock is, but the drums were kinda seaweedy.


And yes, I did accidentally get some stain on the inside of the shell ): I'll remove it later.
Double glove is like double condom- actually has a higher risk of breaking

Okay maybe not, but no need to speculate on that. It washed off my hands easy enough, anyway.



You can see that the bass drum didn't take the dye as well as the toms. Also, for some reason every kit that I've unwrapped so far seems to have the floor tom noticiably darker than the others.

I was thinking of doing it from black to teal, but the dark teal burst seems quite nice already, unsure if I should darken the top and bottom edges all the way to black. Any suggestions?

And a bit of teaser on a new project that I'm starting after I *FINALLY* received my package in the mail.


On the right is the original colour. The left is with a fade done using Colron oil based wood dyes, from "red mahogany" to "dark mahogany", then hit with a thin, unbuffed (so far) layer of poly. Those were leftovers from my previous project on the Pearl Targets (see the first page of this thread!)

Singpost is annoying, it held on to my package for almost a week URGH and gave me so much trouble retrieving it.
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