Red pickguard


New member
i'm thinking of getting a red pickguard to increase the aesthetic value of my bass. you guys seen any red pickguards around? the cutting should be a Fender Jazz kinda type i guess. davis has only some basic white/black pickguards the last time i was there.

rylche :D
u can try guitar connection

i got my tortoise one from there for my mij jbass. din fit really well though, i had to drill 2 holes on the pickguard. i guess cos its an allparts pickguard made for mia ones..not sure though

it cost $60 :(


hope this helps =)

Try Luthermusicworks, or that shop with the red micro stack. I saw some pretty sweet pickguards there from allparts.
thanks guys! i'll probably go check it out next week. thanks for all the suggestions once again. :)