recommendation guitars?


New member
yo, currently my guitar which is my first guitar is Squier SE-100
you know? the newbie pack. it was my birthday present.
but i'm thinking of getting a pretty decent guitar.
but i dont know which guitar to get. as i'm a newbie guitarist.
so maybe wish to get to know some good guitar from you guys?
budget from $0-$700. what can i get?

i think i'm going to get one soon. in next month or in oct?

and ya. i would wish to get a effect pedal (single or multi) also can. in my budget of $700?

regarding amplifier, i have a pretty decent amp which also my birthday gift from my cousins,
Marshall MG15-CDR.
so i'll just stick to it.

so recommendation for effects and guitars is main priority.

lol..i dig cheap stuff..

rock n metal ther tonnes n tonnes of guitars suitable for it..
some like les paul,some like ibanez(RGs)..some like strats..

also depends on the type of metal i think..

but ultimately in the end it all boils down to the type of sound u wanna get..
ya! i need a pedal for rock/metal. can recommend??
amplifier can get later, cus i went to jam studio to jam.
and the current one that i'm using are just for me to make some noise and practice =D
ryanz0x said:
ya! i need a pedal for rock/metal. can recommend??
amplifier can get later, cus i went to jam studio to jam.
and the current one that i'm using are just for me to make some noise and practice =D

tri ac/mt 2
hydrogencynide said:
huh... the marshall not enough gain meh...? erm... tonebone hot brititsh

the MG15 isn't exactly the greatest on board dist. so yeah gotta boost the drive some more
I agree with Strats the MG15 amp's drive is poor sounding, but it can get pretty heavy. At higher levels its like extreme fuzz though.