recommend me a good bass fuzz pedal~

Bass Big Muff is a good choice for a decently priced fuzz. What's your budget like? That way we can give you more options in your price range.
Here's a good site to check out.

Based on your budget, you might want to consider the following :

Devi Ever Bass Fuzz
Electronix Messdrive/Hybrid
Wren & Cuff Pickle Pie
Way Huge Swollen Pickle

Some of them may be within your budget if you are looking at getting them used.
Don't think any shops in Singapore stock the Pickle Pie, but that thing is a beast. Used to have one
the last time i was at blackwood (some time ago) i saw a zvex vextron mastotron. blackwood's price for this one is quite fair. gated fuzz. get it.
quick update; went to blackwood earlier today. in the shop window there was a nice little sign saying the mastotron is on sale at $199. i went in. tried it. bought it. now im rockin