F Fish_R_Us New member Aug 16, 2009 #1 a good one but hopefully not too expensive >_> looking to use it to cover muse songs
A ashchong New member Aug 16, 2009 #2 er.. can't go wrong with the ehx big muff . there is a bass version
5stringwonder Member Aug 16, 2009 #3 Bass Big Muff is a good choice for a decently priced fuzz. What's your budget like? That way we can give you more options in your price range.
Bass Big Muff is a good choice for a decently priced fuzz. What's your budget like? That way we can give you more options in your price range.
5stringwonder Member Aug 16, 2009 #5 Here's a good site to check out. http://bassfuzz.com/reviews/ Based on your budget, you might want to consider the following : Devi Ever Bass Fuzz Electronix Messdrive/Hybrid Wren & Cuff Pickle Pie Way Huge Swollen Pickle Some of them may be within your budget if you are looking at getting them used.
Here's a good site to check out. http://bassfuzz.com/reviews/ Based on your budget, you might want to consider the following : Devi Ever Bass Fuzz Electronix Messdrive/Hybrid Wren & Cuff Pickle Pie Way Huge Swollen Pickle Some of them may be within your budget if you are looking at getting them used.
F Fish_R_Us New member Aug 16, 2009 #6 ic thx a bunch man. btw which shop stocks these pedals? i kinda wanna go n try testing it out lol
jbarks New member Aug 17, 2009 #7 Don't think any shops in Singapore stock the Pickle Pie, but that thing is a beast. Used to have one
shinobi New member Aug 22, 2009 #11 the last time i was at blackwood (some time ago) i saw a zvex vextron mastotron. blackwood's price for this one is quite fair. gated fuzz. get it.
the last time i was at blackwood (some time ago) i saw a zvex vextron mastotron. blackwood's price for this one is quite fair. gated fuzz. get it.
shinobi New member Sep 10, 2009 #12 quick update; went to blackwood earlier today. in the shop window there was a nice little sign saying the mastotron is on sale at $199. i went in. tried it. bought it. now im rockin
quick update; went to blackwood earlier today. in the shop window there was a nice little sign saying the mastotron is on sale at $199. i went in. tried it. bought it. now im rockin