Recommend me a Bass Amp

Hmmmm... anyway, after much consideration I think I will be going for the hartke head+cab.

HA2500 Head + XL Series 2x10" Cab. Will head down to CityMusic for a final try and probably with the 1x15" as well.

Thanks everyone.
was actually looking at Mark Bass heads. But i'm under a very very tight budget as well.

the cheapest Markbass head at Davis is the Little Mark 250 which cost $650 on its own already. haha

P.S. Threads are so slow moving these days. :S
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And a quick question to those who are familiar with bass heads+cabs.

If i get a LM 250, should i pair it with,

1) Hartke 210TP
2) Hartke 210XL

In terms of power rating and all that stuff, not which sound nicer. Although i heard(may be wrong) The transporter is kinda the cheaper version of the XL. Correct me if i'm wrong.

If i get a LM 250, should i pair it with,

1) Hartke 210TP
2) Hartke 210XL

In terms of power rating and all that stuff, not which sound nicer. Although i heard(may be wrong) The transporter is kinda the cheaper version of the XL. Correct me if i'm wrong.


Both can work bro, and yes, the transporter models are cheaper. For some reason though, CityMusic said that they don't carry the transporters anymore as well. I may be wrong but thats what the staff told me. haha
Hi there, I am also looking for a new bass amp too. You mentioned the Little Mark 250 is priced at $650? I thought the cheapest Little Mark head is at $950. Or did I see it wrong. Hmm.

And could anyone recommend a single speaker cab to match the LM250?

Thank you!
Hi there, I am also looking for a new bass amp too. You mentioned the Little Mark 250 is priced at $650? I thought the cheapest Little Mark head is at $950. Or did I see it wrong. Hmm.

And could anyone recommend a single speaker cab to match the LM250?

Thank you!

Maybe they sold the $650 one already? Afterall they have limited stock. Its the Little Mark 250 though.

The one costing $950 is another model. Might be the Little Mark III if i'm not mistaken. :???:

And the Hartke XL series 1x15" cab should do the trick. :D stock at CityMusic comes next month though.
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Oh ok. I might have been mistaken then. Anybody would like to recommend me a single speaker cab which has a reasonable performance to price ratio? And is the Eden RS400 worth getting at $550?
