RECOMMEND good electric guitar package

I thought the upper-end Epiphones are made in Korea?

On the topic of Epiphones... I played a Gibson LP standard and an Epiphone LP standard (MIK) on the same day and the Gibson played a little better. Can't judge tone because of the different amplifiers. Personally I'd buy the Epiphone because it costs more than half the price of the Gibson, yet isn't far behind.
not all epihone curved top model is good ... the top is not maple.. its a veneer.. my friend got his epiphone LP repaint.. the top wood is a low grade wood , and the maple figure is just a veneer :(
dont scare me leh pls mines a china made epi also
If you were talking about upper-end..
then shouldnt MIJ/Elitist fit the bill?

bryan1234, i thought u shoulda known before buying..
all epiphones are clearly stated "maple veneer top" :)

but if an epiphone sounds great, it doesnt really matter where its made from or the materials used.

just play it. enjoy it. dont look back :D
if you compare it like this, setting up blabla a epi to make it more playable blabla, you can do it to a gibson too and whooo you'll realise the difference in quality
for amps : try digital amps roland cube 30 watt , or analogue amps ibanez amps TBX 30 - its has a nice deep warm tone and nice distortion even though it has 10" speaker
for guitar : Ltd is good... or u can consider buying a second product ibanez pgm (i got 1 around $400) or a 2nd product fender strat around '90 which still have lacesensor pickups (around $400-450)

anyone knw how much the roland 30 amp cost and where to get it... im thinking of getting the roland amp and a guitar instead of package liao haha...lik tht widen my choice...but make me headache to choose haha....
dont scare me leh pls mines a china made epi also

i'm not joking... its real ... i think epi MIK should be good
u can scratch the bottom of the wood inside the potentio chamber using screw driver or anything, untill u can see the wood.. & look at it.. if its soft and had ugly wood fiber (roughy) then it had a low quality wood...

the mahogany back is still helping to shape the sound even if the top is a low quality wood
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ok basically a flamed maple is a type of wood and also used in gibson lps right? So epiphone uses a maple veneer top to look like flamed maple top?

MIC/MIK is made with mahogany/alder
Elitist model is made with 1piece mahogany neck & african mahogany body.

with a few hundred$$ more top-up, i would get elitist instead..anyday :)
and i dont have to worry about inconsistent QC.
Well, with your budget, i would suggest 2 things.

The LTD packages - 325SGD at Davis.


Squire Affinity Strat Package - No idea.

LTD consists of


I'd go for the F-10 :) cheap and looks killer

But the salesperson sucks, the old guy? Not very nice if you want to try out the guitar to contemplate if you want to buy it. But if you tell him its your first time playing an electric, he'll kiss your ass up!
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A Roland Cube 30 is around $360. You can get it at Swee Lee. Can try your luck at the Buy/Sell section also. It's cheaper. :)

I recommend an Ibanez TBX15R/TBX30R amplifier for distortion and clean purposes only. I really like the distortion channel.

As for guitars, I trust MIK Epiphones Les Paul. I recommend you get one. I bought one in '04 and it still serves me well until now.