Recommend combo guitar amp


New member
Hi guys,

Can anyone recommend a nice clean sounding combo amp for home use and most of all, easy to dial in the tone?

Something easy to set up like a Peavey, as clean as a Carvin Legacy, brutal like the most metal-ish setting on a Mesa and clean warm solos like an Engl?

BTW, are tube replacements easy to get here?

Oh wait. What kind of budget do you have? If you have shitloads of cash I'd recommend a Bogner XTC. Although I dunno about easy to set-up. Don't be lazy.
Thanks for the recommendations. However, I'd rather much appreciate actual experiences with the amps, I.e people who actually tried these amps be it at a showroom, trade fair, at a friend's place or progressed through different amps.

All amps have endorsers and I hope everyday people who actually play through these amps come forward and share their experiences.

Define home use, small room, big room, badminton hall?

Don't expect most of what is said here to play to their full potential in a bedroom or even living room setting.

And is your best friend here.
^ yeah nothing can compare to mesa. but Peavey are quite affordable for playing metal. :)
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Hi guys,

Thanks for the nice comments.

For now, I have stuck with a Peavey Envoy 110 (1991 model) since day 1 and its great for cleans and metal for a typical HDB bedroom and not bad when fed from a pedal chain as well.

Looking for upgrade now and Budget is of course around $1000 for a combo amp for room use.

FYI, Recently, I'm gassing for this tone:
Anyone have experience with the Line6 Spider Valve MkII vs. the Bogner alchemist?

The youtube versions make the Line6 sound somewhat harsher though.
MadWerewolfBoy > Haha obviously not. But alot of people use peavey to substitute for mesa. Something i noticed. Maybe most ppl think mesa is for playing metal. So peavey (depends which models) is also a pretty good high gain head for playing metal as well and more affordable. :???: But i still support mesa all the way :twisted:
Test Everything

but i suggest you try the Blackstar Ht-5 - there is a review here on the HT-20 which is retailing (based on review for 990!)
Anyone have experience with the Line6 Spider Valve MkII vs. the Bogner alchemist?

The youtube versions make the Line6 sound somewhat harsher though.
Had the Spider Valve MkI head before I sold it off. For all intents and purposes, it's nothing more than a Pocket Pod, acting as a pre-amp, connected to a tube power amp with 6L6s. It left me very unsatisfied at the end of the day. If it was the X3 or even the XT in there , it would be a different story altogether.

But at the end of the day, go down to City Music and try them for yourself. The City Music staff are very open to you giving their stuff a test run.
Had the Spider Valve MkI head before I sold it off. For all intents and purposes, it's nothing more than a Pocket Pod, acting as a pre-amp, connected to a tube power amp with 6L6s. It left me very unsatisfied at the end of the day. If it was the X3 or even the XT in there , it would be a different story altogether.

But at the end of the day, go down to City Music and try them for yourself. The City Music staff are very open to you giving their stuff a test run.

Thanks for your personal input.
I think I might just prefer the Bogner Alchemist over the Spider Valve MK2.
U should go to city music and try out which is the best solution. I personally prefer bogner than line 6. But line 6 has tons of modeling sounds which helps you tweak to your ideal tone.:)