Recommend a Good Hard Rock/Metal Amp?


New member
Hey fellow softies! im looking for a good hard rock/metal amp below $500! recommedations pls? :D
IMO it's more objective to know if the threadstarter wishes to rely on the new amp for drive or there are pedals tpo attend to this need 8-)
IMO it's more objective to know if the threadstarter wishes to rely on the new amp for drive or there are pedals tpo attend to this need 8-)

welll... ive got a Boss DS-1(imo i find it way too bright) and Morley Classic Wah. soo yeahh ill prolly rely on my amp for the drive (:
the DS-1 is a mild distortion type, relying on it for primary distortion is not quite the thing to do...

i have 2 recommendations for you if you rely on your amp for drive (which i do, it's best...):

Ibanez TBX30R

Randall Ninja combo
the DS-1 is a mild distortion type, relying on it for primary distortion is not quite the thing to do...

i have 2 recommendations for you if you rely on your amp for drive (which i do, it's best...):

Ibanez TBX30R

Randall Ninja combo

you tried the ibanez tbx65R ??
that one is much better than the 30R in distortion and funtions, really much better i would recommend the 65R
the DS-1 is a mild distortion type, relying on it for primary distortion is not quite the thing to do...

i have 2 recommendations for you if you rely on your amp for drive (which i do, it's best...):

Ibanez TBX30R

Randall Ninja combo

hey sub..where can i find these 2 amps??
aww damn...the 2 most customer unfriendly (to me) stores :(

Davis probably thinks I'm a moron for writing my number down badly and forgetting my strings there right after i bought it lol but not their fault.
Yeah Swee Lee's niceness depends on the individual staff, I've had mixed experiences