Reccomendation for guitar <$1000 for guy with small hands


New member
Hi guys. Getting a new guitar soon and I would like some feedback from you guys who are probably more experienced than me.

I'm currently using an Epiphone LP special 2 through a Roland Cube 15 (my first guitar; I've been playing for about 3 years). As I have ridiculously small hands (7cm from base to tip of middle finger), I find it rather difficult to play at high speeds, as well as funny chord shapes.

My budget is less than $1000. I play mostly classic rock and metal, but I dabble in some blues and jazz as well. Thus I would like a guitar which is geared towards classic rock and metal, but is still versatile enough to play other genres.

I have narrowed down my search to quite a few guitars, namely the
  • Sterling JP50
  • RG420
  • RG350
  • SA260
  • PRS 25th Anniversary Custom 24 SE
  • Torero SE

I know the best thing to do will be to go down personally to test the guitars out, but I would like to hear what you guys have to say about these guitars, as well as find out if there are any more guitars which fit my requirements that I might have overlooked.

So in short, I would need a guitar which I can play comfortably with my small hands and which offers me tonal versatility while priced under 1k.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I've also heard good things about the PRS SE Custom and Standard, but they've been discontinued. Does anyone know where I can find them in SG?
from your list of preferences, there are 2 guitar camps to observe: the locking dual action bridges vs non-locking traditionals. what's your playing style- do you whammy?

chances are, my hands are as small as/ smaller than yours. sometimes it's a perceived hindrance- guitars with a chunky neck profile don't necessarily mean a barrier to playing. it's when you handle these guitars in person, the perception would be addressed
I've got a problem somewhat the opposite of yours: my hands are pretty monster and thus i find it hard to play bcos the extra 'bits of hand' kind of obstruct my playing. I'd recommend either of the RGs, as the Wizard II neck would likely be suited to your smaller hands.
the Wizard II neck isn't Ibanez's thinnest profile, in fact, it's one of the chunkiest. nevertheless, do give them a try, they might be to your preference.
subversion: I'm not sure if I'll be using the whammy, but isn't it a good idea to have it in case i need it next time?

loldude333: What's the difference, tonal or otherwise, between the pickups on the S series and those on the RGs? The SA260 seems to be more versatile with its tone pot switch thingy.

Nevertheless, thanks for your advice! Any comments on the JP50 or the PRSes? I'm quite drawn to the looks of the PRSes :cool:
Check out the marlique from standard value. seems sturdy but for the neck wise i dont really know if its suitable for u. Havent tried it yet.
Thanks bluelime, will check it out. Anyway, in response to your earlier post, I think the torero is goign for 1.25k at Davis if I'm not mistaken
subversion: I'm not sure if I'll be using the whammy, but isn't it a good idea to have it in case i need it next time?

hmmm depends on which whammy u're having...having a double locking whammy will be a whole lot more of a hassle to restring, tune and setup. those dive-only like those on the jp50 dun have such problems. if u can live w/o a whammy then stick to fixed bridges...they're a breeze to tune lol
even a one-directional whammy would manifest tuning ptoblems if not set-up properly so investing in any whammy unit would require one to invest in patience, understanding & maintenance time as well.
Hmm I guess I'll have to read up more about whammys haha. Anyway, any idea which shops stock the PRS 25th Anniversary Custom 24 SE?
Davis is the authorised dealer, i saw it there.

ibanez's SA model is a very under-rated model, it's one of the more versatile offering from the manufacturer...
Davis is the authorised dealer, i saw it there.

ibanez's SA model is a very under-rated model, it's one of the more versatile offering from the manufacturer...

Alright thanks, will head down there to check it out. Anyways, is the QC on SAs good? They're priced just a little above the GIOs which I think have rather poor QC. I've tried a GRG (can't remember which) in the past which had different neck profiles although they were the same guitar.
the GIOs tend to manifest a less consistant QC. when i tried the GRGR010 in store, realized its good finish; it was an immediate purchase. true enough, the next GRGR010 wasn't as desirable...

the instrument's versatility is sometimes perceived, especially so when a guitar in hand wins the player's favour more than any others.