really nid help!!


New member
i going to get an electric guitar soon, but im not sure wat ti get.. any suggestions? 1 of my choice is to get a vox amp sold at city music and get a craftsman guitar there too... is there any other options for me?? my budget is around $400..
i think u can get a package thing from city music.. like..$300+ to buy a starter pack..

guitar plus amp and i think comes with some accessories.. line6 amp though.. but i'm sure u can work things out with the people down there..change to vox amp.. AD15VT would be a good choice..

since u are like..more to beginner kind..then i think guitar type/brand dun really matters until u found your real genre that u wanna work on..

$400 can get u a very good beginner package!

good luck!
Yeah, City Music's starter packs are better in my opinion. Starter packs by Ibanez, Squier, Epiphone, really not worth it. Usually the amp is crap.
for amp wise
either the vox DA or AD series should do it
u can also consider the roland micro cube

however for the guitar
if u like strats or teles go for squier
if u like superstrats go for ibanez
if u like other shapes go for LTD 50 series

but probably u need to up ur budget by 100-200
for the price ur paying
ur really getting wad u paid for
a gd guitar
a gd amp especially the DA or micro cube since they have many amp models and efx to choose from

im selling my superstrat RG321MH
if ur keen u can pm me back or msg me at 92995629