read if you have 9V batteries and need AAA batteries


New member
hope i posted this in the right place. Anyway, most guitarist have pedals and some use 9v batteries. Even if you don't, you might have an acoustic cum eklectric which has to use a 9v battery aye? One of if costs about 2-4 bucks per battery and when it dries, you trow it away. But after you read this, you might change you mind about trowing away these 9v batteries.
AAA batteries are also very common these day. Especially when we have tuners, MP3 players, remote controls, radios etc etc. I'm sure everyone hates it when they dry and you have to go down to the nearest provision shop to get them or something. But now, you can save money and use your 9v batteries. Here's how..

Starts out with an ordinary 9v battery like this..

With a simple pair or pliers, you can easily pry open the casing of the battery which would look like this...

Empty out the contents...

as you can see, they already look like AAA batteries. But they can't be used yet cause it's too short... While you were emptying the contents, you would have to take off the black plastic cover. At the back, is a layer or silicon with a brown piece of paper stuck on it with a thin strip of metal, Peel of that piece of paper...

or you could use another part of the battery which also has the same thing..
peel it off the cupboard

tear it(it's paper)

then fold it and fit it into your device which would look like...

and you're off!:D
8O 8O 8O

is this safe to use?
the so called 'AAA' wont melt or explode or leak?
if this works then we shld stickied this :D

8O wow you're quite the DIY gal, aren't you? Personally once those 9V batts are dry, they're of no more use to me, and this method might be fun but I'd rather cycle to the nearby 7-11 and buy a whole pack of value-pack AAAs.

And the risks are unknown too lah. So blame my PAP-backed primary and secondary school education which inculcated the spirit of kiasu-ness.
how much charge is there left? doesn't it mean if my 9v battery is already dead, then thecells inside will be close to also?
when you use the 9v battery by itself, it'll be of no use. But if you test it on the volt meter, it's about 1.5volts per cell.
sleepykitty- yes it's safe. It wont' melt or explode or leak unless you pry open the battery.
crawldaddy- i got really bored so i pryed open the battery. But imagine if you're stuck in the jungle and your walky talky runs on AAA batt and all you have is your pedal. Hehehe. Quite impossible but might come in handy.
RazrAsh- VERY

Haha, yeah I guess I'd need my LPB-1 to boost my vocal signal so that the other party using the walkie needs to hear my voice clearer :lol:

and to add some funkiness I'll also plug in my wah pedal.

Ok lame.
heh. like flya03, i got this 9v batt along with my newly bought metalzone. sony i think. opened it up and instead of AAA-like batts, theres this layer of black powder thing packed in plastic. so, yar.
what's carbon battery? Lol. Anyway, i opened an everyready battery yesterday. And i doesn't work for eveready. Only energizer. I'll put up the pics soon. I have too much time:/