Re: Guitar in Rest


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Re: Guitar in Rest

hey... i have a guitar which i seldom use. I am thinking of storing it in my hardcase for at least two to three months.

Do i need to loosen the strings and store it in my hardcase?
or Should i totally remove all of the strings and store it in my hardcase?

Which would be the best choice?
if u bear wif throwing away ur strings den completely unstring it.... if not just loosen it... but i suggest unstringing... no reason in particular.... just what i practise whenever i have to leave my guitar untouched for long periods
actually, i think you should do neither. The strings (especially on acoustics) act as a reactive force for your guitar. Removing the strings might cause the guitar neck to warp instead.

2 or 3 months isn't very long for any warping to happen though.

Leave the strings there man. No harm done. Change the strings when you take it out to play again.
the guitar's neck is set up to counter the strings' tension. rightfully, there should be a balance between the guitar's neck & the string tension, so your neck will be in 'neutral' setting. this is the default philosophy before the guitar leaves the factory, not applicable to bady set up entry level units though... 8)

if you remove the string, there's only the tension coming from the neck, no counter-tension from the strings, hence the neck will warp.
Jayshen said:
how come it will warp??

Most of the time, the purpose of the truss rod is to counter the string tension. Remove the strings and the truss rod will cause the neck to backbow.
yes, the purpose of removing ur strings when ur guitar is not gonna be used for a long time is.... well... i don't know... must be for some lame reason like scared the string snap and scratch ur vintage guitar until like dumpsite junk? :roll:

but usually, with ur strings on, ur guitar's neck is in a more stable equilibrium... no net force on it... =)
Just remember to put some silica gel (the blue granules from camera shops) in a sock and throw it in the case. This will absorb any moisture that forms inside the case and will stop the strings and the hardware from rusting.


hey mark how much silical gel do u actualli need? i doubt that those tiny packets that came with gig bags are enough are they?
No, you're right that the packets aren't enough. The blue silica gel I mentioned is available in most camera stores and is in 500g bottles. Put about a quarter of the bottle in the sock and then toss it in the case. The gel changes colout to pink when it needs to be replaced. This takes a couple of weeks to a month.

Sounds like i should just leave the strings on and store it in my hardcase.
With Silica gel from camera shop.
mudmechanic said:
No, you're right that the packets aren't enough. The blue silica gel I mentioned is available in most camera stores and is in 500g bottles. Put about a quarter of the bottle in the sock and then toss it in the case. The gel changes colout to pink when it needs to be replaced. This takes a couple of weeks to a month.

blue ah? mines white leh... they turn pink in contact with water... let me see some where in my chem book...

chey they only added blue cobalt chloride la (i think... rusty brain) :)

blue cobalt cholride... turns pink in presence of water... haha

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