Random musing/What got you started?


New member
This is kinda random, but what made you guys picked up whatever instrument that you guys are playing?

I was just feeling a lil' emo earlier on due to some misunderstanding, and as i picked up my guitar (i felt like it) I remembered that one of the reasons I wanted to learn it was because I saw it as something I can use to express/create emotions.

Messed around abit, played some stuff, and I guess that though it has the potential to be a subtle form of expression, I'm still far from being able to do it eloquently.

Well, people say music (some say FOOD!) holds one of the keys to the doors of the soul, and I'm looking forward to the day when I can do just that.

How about you guys?
I remembered I was listening to Linkin Park and watched one of their MVs.. I think it was off Hybrid Theory. I heard and saw the drummer play, and thought it'd be cool if I could play like that. And some time later, my cousin wanted to learn drums, and asked me if I wanted to join the group lesson with him! Perfecto.

Rob Bourdon's playing doesn't influence me at all though. Lol.
It was a phase for me. Decided that being able to play music might be fun, and got hooked for quite a long time. The passion's gradually dying down, though. Not sure if I'll still be playing the guitar a few years from now. Might stop playing music altogether, or switch to a different instrument.
It was a phase for me. Decided that being able to play music might be fun, and got hooked for quite a long time. The passion's gradually dying down, though. Not sure if I'll still be playing the guitar a few years from now. Might stop playing music altogether, or switch to a different instrument.

Don't worry, dude. I kinda feel the same. What got me going was taking a long break from guitar. A 5-month break sparked my interest in playing again. Sure, you lose A LOT of your skills from lack of practice (I play like a secondary school kid now, no offense!), but at least your passion will remain, and in the end, that's what really counts.
Anyway I've also decided to quit guitar, only leaving my acoustic and selling all my other gear soon. I realise that if I'm not going to play in a band or make it full time hobby I really have no need in keeping the gear any more. Going to graduate in 2 years and need the money to get other stuff like a motorbike. Changing my priorities in life.
i need a guitar, everyday before i sleep, i have to shred to relieve my stress..

come to think of it, geetaring helps me in alotta ways a gf cant.. besides the sex though
Blink182. My playlist used to be filled with punk rock. Hahaha. It still is, but there are other genres thrown in as well.
Anyway I've also decided to quit guitar, only leaving my acoustic and selling all my other gear soon. I realise that if I'm not going to play in a band or make it full time hobby I really have no need in keeping the gear any more. Going to graduate in 2 years and need the money to get other stuff like a motorbike. Changing my priorities in life.

If you still play acoustic, then you're still a guitarist. :) But yeah, I've got the same mind. I find it sad when people hang up their guitars for good, but I guess it's gonna happen to me sometime. I'll probably also keep my acoustic, though.
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funny enough,Green Day.

I used to look up to Billie Joe who would look so cool singing while playing guitar during the American Idiot era.Before I actually got one,I always sung along to AI tracks while playing air guitar.Then I realized I look like I was rubbing my crotch the whole song,and eventually got the real thing. :P

ps:i'm very much like kerplunk - listen to mostly punk rock :)
This may be embarassing, but it was Linkin Park. Started out on the guitar by learning and playing their songs on the acoustic guitar. Then I progressed and the rest is history :)
Lostprophets and a friend.

Friend used to influence me to get guitar, and also been wanting to try out those riffs/solos as I thought it'd be cool to cover them.
My uncle. Lol. He used to play his guitar in his room when i was younger. He'd lock his door. I can remember him playing smells like teen spirit. Haha. Then he bought me this really small acoustic guitar when i was 7 or 8. Its a guitarlele apparently. haha.
For me, it was somewhat something embarrassing too I guess. Once, I followed my friend to Yamaha cause he wanted to get sticks. And because he's the 'cool' guy, I thought I wanted to pick up drums too cause it's 'cool'. Haha I know, it's VERY poser-ish. I'll get condemned for this. Then, I was listening to rock and some metal influences like Drowning Pool and Bullets and Octane. Most of which is because their songs get featured in wrestling stuff, so I thought it was cool. Haha.

Soon, I found out that it's very kental or in English, noob-ish to be a poser. So why not just be myself, do what I want without giving a shit about everyone else? I shall be a drummer. And drum with my heart.

So here I am. A noob-ish drummer and still learning. Haha I don't even know more than 5 rudiments bytheway. Ownage. Haha.
cos i used to like this girl, she used to hang out with a classmate who seemed good at playing guitar. i got envious so i decided the best way to exact revenge was to beat him in his own game. well, still not better than him now though.

and also cos i got psycho-ed by my best friend who's into guitars.

no, not kidding.

but of course, if you are talking about which guitarist/band that got me into guitars, was X Japan. loved Pata's les paul tone hehe.
Well i do know many people who do pick up guitar for the same reason as you optisailor, haha. Mine's a pretty long story, still being written even now.

I was in an Independent school which offered the Music Elective Programme with a scholarship, i.e my hell high independent school fees wld be cut from 300 to 12 per mth if i joined. So, having played piano for the better part of 12 years, my parents cajoled me into it. Joining the MEP meant i had to join a music CCA, and i initially chose choir. However, the MEP teacher in charge called my mum up and said my diagnostic test scores were pretty good, so why not i join the guitar ensemble instead. Well, i had never played guitar before, but since i was getting 'free' training, plus playing guitar seemed to be the cool thing to do, i agreed. And so, my journey started. However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. I was being trained to play classical guitar, not the type i wanted to learn (in other words acoustic strumming), and i wasn't exactly the star student of my batch, quite the opposite actually. I found it interesting nevertheless, but my inability to sightread really hampered me. However, all was not lost. In sec 2, a church friend asked me whether i wanted to play for church. I readily agreed, and he taught me acoustic strumming and all the related stuff, as well as introduced me to the world of electric guitar. From then on, i was really hooked. I went on SOFT everyday for 4 hours browsing thru the gear section. I also had the benefit of really inspirational players in my guitar ensemble. These guys were crazy shredders who really fed my interest even more. Consequently, as my interest grew, my playing improved and now, 6 years from the day i started, i can say i have no regrets.
my dog inspired me. I woke up one night when he was howling at the moon. i knew from that day on i was meant to play the guitar. My aim in life is to howl with my guitar as well as my dog did that night.

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