Randolf/Gibson USA @ WOMAD 2007


New member
Hi Pppl! :)

Just want to inform you that in conjunction with WOMAD 2007 together with Gibson USA I'll be conducting a talk, demonstration about Gibson Guitars cum Live Looping performance at UCC(admission is free) at 9pm this coming Wed 22Aug and also at Fort Canning(venue of Womad Festival) this Fri.24Aug at 9.15pm.

All guitars used are among some of the finest Gibson models including;

1. Gibson Custom Slash Les Paul Standard
2. Gibson Custom Larry Carlon ES335
3. Gibson BB King Lucille
4. Gibson SG 61 Reissue
5. GIbson HD.6X Pro Digital Les Paul

6. Vintage Gibson Les Paul Goldtop (This one's mine) :)

Amp used will be the fine sounding all tube Epiphone Valve Standard

Oh ya, the Pedals used that form my "Oompah Loopah Live Looping Band" for the 2 live performances;

1. Custom Stealth Mod Boss CS3
2. Custom Trinity Mod Boss SD1
3. Yamaha Magicstomp
4. Boss DD20
5. Custom Modded Boss RC50 Loopstation
6. Custom Modded Boss Volume Pedal

Come by if you can to say hi, catch up and test run these fine guitars and get a feel of live looping ya.


:D Cheeky Fella!

The Larry Carlton Mr335!? Nope! U'll have to queue up behind me but I could let you stroke BB King's Lucille.... if u behave! Hahaha. :)
i dont quite get the gig tho?

what has experimental looping got to do with WORLD Of MUSIC & DANCE?

unless u are looping world elements and dancing with those Gibson guitars?
Gibson's looking to conquer the local market... might as well give them a chance right :) Especially with all the money they're throwing at Baybeats and Womad.

The Larry Carlton ES335 is one sexy beast!
i dont quite get the gig tho? what has experimental looping got to do with WORLD Of MUSIC & DANCE? unless u are looping world elements and dancing with those Gibson guitars?

:) Hehehe ok, that's an gud question hopefully tongue in cheek.

Live Looping is often misunderstood as mostly perceived as associated with experimental music when it's actually a technique of performance that isn't necessarily genre specific. Looping is also a compositional and improvisation technique used anywhere from African call & answer tribal beats and chants into classical music, blues, jazz, rock and yes also dance music including many of the modern electronica. Weird huh? :)

Sheila Chandra a featured Womad performer this year for example performs entire tunes with loops with her voice by creating drones and layering it further to create a sonic, rhythmic bed before she improvs over it with her unique blend of Indian, Persian and Celtic vocal lines. Womad started by Peter Gabriel uses loop techniques in many of his compositions and the musicians who all play and record at Real World Studios are all masters of looping be it in an ensemble, live or with technology. Imogene Heap, Bjork and Enya are other vocalists amongst many others in the Pop world who create their own sound with vocal loops too. Many of the minimalist works of Erik Satie's and Philip Glass's piano compositions are loops if you think about it... :)

So what does Womad got to do with Live Lopping and Gibson guitars?
Lots, I feel and it's gonna be fun if one listens to and plays music with an open heart.

Come by if you can. Admission is free tonight at UCC. Cya :)
Cheers Dude! I'm arranging and hoping there's enuff time for fellow attendees to come up and test run these beauties and have a go at it... whilst I go dancing and chanting away into the night...Ayooooo! :)

great! I just wanna touch ( don;t there play) the slash signature series and I can die a happy man hehe..see ya laters..

Alamak dude, u inform me a lil toooo late rite!? Hehehehe...

Anyway, just got back from the Womad at Campus and I would like to say thanx to alll who came by. Hope you guys enjoyed it while it lasted. I wish I could remember all your "softie" nicks so I cud mention but anyway it was really nice to meet u guys and talk over and about the guitars and amps and the pedals.

Ah, the most interesting question I got for the night that left me almost (asthma like) gappin' speechless and so wins the prize (whatever it is...) was;
'Scuse me! Why are Epiphones more popular than Gibson arh??? Is it because they are better and why so???? Arhhhh.... :roll:

Btw the most popular model of the evening among the young rockers was ...but of course the Gibson Custom Slash

I was getting kinda fidgety because while fielding Q&A, from the corner of my eye I spied upon another dude from the audience getting more than acquainted with the Gibson Larry Carlton Custom Mr.335. Damn he was outright flirting with the beauty! Heh! That's it! we got a love triangle situation now! Nooo! She's mine all mine! My precious! Hahahahaha.... I know and you know we geetar players are weird
and odd buchco nice folks....ya ppl?!

Hehehehe ya ok anybody who tries it wants it too!... me included Hahaha
The particular piece has great balance of body weight and resonance almost like an old Les Paul. The Gibson Slash Custom is probaly the 1st modern Les Paul Standard that weighs like the old LPs. Wish I could get a chance to put the Slash Custom through a Xray to see what's under the finish. :)

...oh, but do check with your lovely wife ya! :wink:
Back from WOMAD 2007 Fort Canning last night, tanx to all who swung by. It was real fun meeting and bumpin' into fellows from all over . The musicians were sweet in exchanging smiles and hellos. Schedule was obviously tighter so more of the Live Looping improv was done with the ever sexy Goldtop Les Paul which caught on quite a bit of attention from the attendees last night. The Larry Carlton Mr.335 yet again was also another recurring favourite! :)

Please do feel free to post here or email me @ randolf@embryosongs.com your thoughts or further enquiries about any of the fine Gibson guitars and floor pedals used.

Do check out WOMAD 2007 going on today till tomorrow while you can! Cheers. :)