New member

DISCLAIMER: If you are easily offended, don't read this review, I will not be held liable for your making a choice to read it, by reading it, you absolve me of all liability for any offense taken at it's contents.
The Premise
Ran guitars have a few models up which you can choose from, but if you go to them, you want a custom, not something you can pick off a wall. They'll do anything to the guitar for you. You could probably request wood from Bongo-Bongo Land, they'll find a way to get it, and bill you accordingly.
What it means
You get a guitar which is exactly to your specifications. Not recommended for idiots who don't know what they want, it's your money, if you can afford to throw a couple of grand around, I am not stopping you, stimulating Europe's economy is always good in my book. When I say customize everything, I MEAN customize everything. I specified neck thickness at first fret, and neck thickness at twelfth fret, neck profile. If you make a mistake in specifying it, they will go ahead and omit whatever you forgot to ask for. Your fault for being a moron, but you're getting exactly what you ask for.
Build Quality
Flawless. The picture up there is my guitar, off their website. It arrived looking exactly as it did in the pictures. No photoshop magic, just amazing workmanship and quality.
Tonal Characteristics
The one I have, has a maple neck, a maple fretboard, and neck-through construction, rest of it is alder. Damn right it's bright. That and all-schaller hardware (you get to choose what hardware you want, but I think the German stuff is the best) means it sustains like a Viennese Soprano. You must know the tonal characteristics of different woods before ordering, or you are going to regret it.
Third Party Components
Hardware wise, just get the Schallers, the Japanese simply aren't up to the same level as the Germans, just like with cars. There are other options, like OFR bridges, but you'd be a moron to pick those over Schaller licensed Floyd Rose bridges. I have SD blackouts in mine, you can ask for any pickup in the world, as long as it is for sale, and you're willing to pay Ran for it's acquisition, you will get your pickup of choice.
Parting Words
Throw your Gibson custom shop away, they cost more and are worth about 20p apiece. Ran guitars, are doubtless the highest quality guitars I have ever played, they only make about 40 or so guitars a year, so you can be rest assured what YOU get, is what the artists who are endorsed by Ran get. However, if you've played as many guitars as I have low-IQ friends, and do not have endless money to throw around, don't order a Ran. You're better off buying stuff off the shelf until you know what in a guitar makes you tick. Then run along and order your Ran Custom. If you're filthy rich, go order one now, Europe needs your money.
The Bill
1980 EUR, bills are always in Euros so how much you pay in SGD depends on the exchange rate. Your guitar will cost more (or less) depending on your options, Ran will give you a quotation for free if you ask.
Morgan Johann Lee
PS: Before you shit your pants in rage, read the disclaimer under the photograph again.
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