Rally GL-300 or 400?

New Yamahas are IMHO not worth the $400 u spend on them. The Rally, yes. However, spending that same amount on one of the old MIJ Yamahas will definitely be a better investment.
Knobs can swap out one, get some white and black paint, paint swirls on the knobs.. you got yourself a self respecting Slash and Bls hybrid Paul... one and only on the world.
Yes you pay more $ for the inlays and colour...
What you're paying is considered minimal. See those kind of Suhr/Anderson/R. Taylor (generally custom& boutique) stuff, you pay maybe 1grand more for special inlays and stuff... It's a niche market.
IMO, the gold hardware looks really nice, especially with the white. But they don't sell the white one anymore? I only saw the black one at penin the other day, I'm not sure.