Radio broadcaster wanted !!


New member
Hey you, we're a local digital radio station known as SYNC@Rediffusion, looking
for a few committed, fun and vibrant full time and part time radio hosts.

We want you if you:
1. Speak bloody-hell-awesome English
2. Are prepared to work shifts
3. have a die-hard passion for music and broadcast
4. have a kick-ass personality and voice
5. are a Singapore Citizen

It'll be great if you are experienced, but if you are not, don't be a stranger,

cos we'll provide training. :)

Even better if you:
1. are proficient in Protools
2. know basic design and web design skills
3. speak and write Mandarin

Fresh Grads are welcome!

If you are interested, please send your resume with expected salary and a recent
photograph to

Hope to hear from you!