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I've been playing around with the guitar for 1 week (my mother's 20 year old classical guitar was collecting dust and I decided to mess around with it)

so far I've been able to play simple chords..(E, G, A, C, D. That's all I can play)...and I'm still stuck in simple chords.

how should I continue learning by myself?

gee, thanks. Found it rather easy, but I used a reference source (in this case, the piano) instead of a tuning fork...because I don't have one.

Now...I should continue memorizing chords...right?
You can practice chords on differrent parts of the neck, a good habit to know diff. chord positions. And when you nailed it, maybe you can start on playing rhythm parts,& who knows soon you're improvising lead parts.
Hey thanks for the advice! Although I'll be able to have more time playing after O levels though..
u can start by learning chords, all the frequently major and minor chords. eheh. try changing positions from one chord to another. play some simple songs, acoustic ones, such as secondhand serenade. oh yea learn the necessary stuffs about guitar like restringing, parts of a guitar all that. well in short u can just follow online lessons on guitar in or any others. they are usually well structured from beginner to advanced etc