Questions about shipping in guitars etc etc..

I think that's kinda like a technical law question, as technically speaking, there is no "free" shipping.

The only way i can think of "Free" shipping is if those guys sheared off the shipping cost from the original cost of the guitar.

Like for example: (Price of Guitar - Cost of shipping) + Cost of shipping.

Such that it cancels out.

Might be best to check with your dealer to see how they will arrange the "Free" shipping.

And.. who ships free overseas? Haha, share you lobang leh!
Haha, Excalibur, bro, i have to disagree with that.

You have a valid point in that due to distributorship agreements, these company's will not ship to Singapore.

BUT, what VPost is about is that, Vpost provides a US based address, so that VPost will handle your stuff in the USA and ship it to Singapore. Therefore, no distributorship agreement is being violated since the sales is IN USA to a US based address.

Vpost then provides the service that ships your guitar/accessories/whatever from the US here, so in effect, VPost is just a courier.

VPost's and the shop you're buying from are TWO seperate entities. I must stress this point.

Sounds all good and dandy, right? So now all i have to do is use my credit card to buy and i can start shipping by VPost?

Wrong. Unfortunately, to prevent fraud, most of the American E-stores only will ship to your Credit card billing address. Which is still to say, Singapore.

So you'll have to use VPosts dunno what service where they will pay with their credit card, and you, in turn pay them more.


Finally, let me say that i'm not doing free advert for Vpost, and that there is also to consider for couriering.

AND, one last point of consideration: After all that hassle, isn't it easier just to get something from a local store?

Hope that this clears up any doubts about Vpost and distrubutors. If i'm wrong at any point of time, please do correct me.
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My uncle flies to Texas once every 2 months for a period of 2 weeks for work. The guitars used in my studio are all shipped in from US. He bought them for me from a store there and they arranged shipment to Singapore. There's 2 kind of shipment if i'm not wrong, one is a courier service where they will send to ur doorstep or u pick up from Post Office. The other one is they send to cargo reception and u need to arrange for your own logistic and delivery handlings.
Haha, Excalibur, bro, i have to disagree with that.

You have a valid point in that due to distributorship agreements, these company's will not ship to Singapore.

BUT, what VPost is about is that, Vpost provides a US based address, so that VPost will handle your stuff in the USA and ship it to Singapore. Therefore, no distributorship agreement is being violated since the sales is IN USA to a US based address.

Vpost then provides the service that ships your guitar/accessories/whatever from the US here, so in effect, VPost is just a courier.

VPost's and the shop you're buying from are TWO seperate entities. I must stress this point.

Sounds all good and dandy, right? So now all i have to do is use my credit card to buy and i can start shipping by VPost?

Wrong. Unfortunately, to prevent fraud, most of the American E-stores only will ship to your Credit card billing address. Which is still to say, Singapore.

So you'll have to use VPosts dunno what service where they will pay with their credit card, and you, in turn pay them more.


Finally, let me say that i'm not doing free advert for Vpost, and that there is also to consider for couriering.

AND, one last point of consideration: After all that hassle, isn't it easier just to get something from a local store?

Hope that this clears up any doubts about Vpost and distrubutors. If i'm wrong at any point of time, please do correct me.

lol all are precisely my point exactly.
Haha, Excalibur, bro, i have to disagree with that.

You have a valid point in that due to distributorship agreements, these company's will not ship to Singapore.

BUT, what VPost is about is that, Vpost provides a US based address, so that VPost will handle your stuff in the USA and ship it to Singapore. Therefore, no distributorship agreement is being violated since the sales is IN USA to a US based address.

Vpost then provides the service that ships your guitar/accessories/whatever from the US here, so in effect, VPost is just a courier.

VPost's and the shop you're buying from are TWO seperate entities. I must stress this point.

Sounds all good and dandy, right? So now all i have to do is use my credit card to buy and i can start shipping by VPost?

Wrong. Unfortunately, to prevent fraud, most of the American E-stores only will ship to your Credit card billing address. Which is still to say, Singapore.

So you'll have to use VPosts dunno what service where they will pay with their credit card, and you, in turn pay them more.


Finally, let me say that i'm not doing free advert for Vpost, and that there is also to consider for couriering.

AND, one last point of consideration: After all that hassle, isn't it easier just to get something from a local store?

Hope that this clears up any doubts about Vpost and distrubutors. If i'm wrong at any point of time, please do correct me.

vPost do have a link with a online Guitar shop in USA. It's called Musicians' Friend. they have free shipping to USA address. u guys can check it out.
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btw ,there's 2 shipping method that stewmac used.
which shipping method better i used ,postal air shipping or DHL express air shipping? why?
ebay is a lot easier. Its not diff to find people who'll ship overseas for u.
Besides if you're lucky every once in a while a company will under declare the
value of the product being shipped for ya without even asking! Might not even
have to pay tax!!!!!

But of course for hassle free service go to the friendly guys @ g77. Im sure they'll be more then welcome to order a piece for ya. Great guys those.